a visit with jesus
Music Videos
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 4658 Recordings

Title: 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Artist: Altar of Praise Men's Chorale
Composer: Music by ; William Kirkpatrick; Lyrics by Louisa M. R. Stead
Duration: 3:09

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Title: 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Artist: Casting Crowns
Composer: William James Kirkpatrick, Canzetta Staton, Louisa M. Stead
Duration: 3:20

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Title: (Psalm 139). You Are There
Artist: MercyMe
Composer: Kendall Combes & Bart Millard.
Duration: 4:20

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Title: (We Are All) Children Of Abraham
Artist: Patty Loveless
Composer: Emory Gordy Jr. & Patty Loveless.
Duration: 2:24

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Title: 1 Cor. 13
Artist: Kathy Troccoli
Composer: Ron Downey.
Duration: 3:38

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