Is This Moses?
Is there evidence for Moses in ancient Egypt? It is hard not to notice the remarkable "Egyptianisms" within the Torah, hinting at the author's familiarity with Egyptian culture. Interestingly, there is a particular New Kingdom prince whose life seems to parallel the biblical narrative.
The Tearing of the Curtain (Veil) of the Temple
There was a finely woven curtain hanging at the heart of the house of worship, separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place (or Holy of Holies). Priests were allowed to minister in the Holy Place regularly, but only once a year could the high priest pass through the inner curtain into the immediate presence of God ( Ex. 26:33–35; Lev. 16:2). The curtain, in effect, perpetually guarded the entrance to the holiest holy place.
A Rushed Judgment?
Custom dictated that after the Temple guards arrested Jesus, he should have been locked up in the Temple stockade until there was time for the full Sanhedrin to study his case and hear testimony. But this is not what happened.
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