Timeline of Antiquity

Late 4th millennium BCSumerian cuneiform writing system and Egyptian hieroglyphs are first used.
3200 BCCycladic culture in Greece.
3200 BCCaral–Supe civilization begins in Peru.
3200 BCRise of Proto-Elamite Civilization in Iran.
3180 BCSkara Brae is built in Scotland.
3100 BCFirst Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 3000 BCStonehenge construction begins. In its first version, it consisted of a circular ditch and bank, with 56 wooden posts.
c. 3000 BCCucuteni–Trypillia culture is established in Romania and Ukraine.
3000 BCJiroft culture begins in Iran.
3000 BCFirst known use of papyrus by Egyptians.
3000 – 2500 BCEarliest evidence of autochthonous iron production in West Africa.
3000 – 2300 BCThe Pastoral Neolithic culture builds East Africa's earliest and largest monumental cemetery at Lothagam North Pillar Site.
3000 BCDomestication of the horse in the Yamnaya culture.
2800 BCKot Diji phase of the Indus Valley Civilisation begins.
2800 BCLongshan culture begins in China.
2700 BCMinoan civilization ancient palace city Knossos reaches 80,000 inhabitants.
2700 BCRise of Elam in Iran.
2700 BCThe Old Kingdom begins in Egypt.
2600 BCOldest known surviving literature: Sumerian texts from Abu Salabikh, including the Instructions of Shuruppak and the Kesh temple hymn.
2600 BCMature Harappan phase of the Indus Valley civilization (in present-day Pakistan and India) begins.
2600 BCEmergence of Mayan culture in the Yucatán Peninsula.
2560 BCKing Khufu completes the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Land of Punt in the Horn of Africa first appears in Egyptian records around this time.
2500 – 1500 BCKerma culture begins in Nubia.
2500 BCThe last mammoth population, on Wrangel Island in Siberia, goes extinct.
Late 24th century BCAkkadian Empire is founded, dating depends upon whether the Middle chronology or the Short chronology is used.
2291 BCPharaoh Teti is thought to be the earliest known victim of assassination.
2250 BCOldest known depiction of the Staff God, the oldest image of a god to be found in the Americas.
2200 – 2100 BC4.2-kiloyear event: a severe aridification phase, likely connected to a Bond event, which was registered throughout most of North Africa, Middle East and continental North America. Related droughts very likely caused the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt and the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia.
2200 BCCompletion of Stonehenge.
2115 BCTraditional date for the legendary foundation of Armenia by Hayk.
2055 BCThe Middle Kingdom begins in Egypt.
1900 BCErlitou culture begins in China.
c. 1850 BCAlphabetic writing emerges.
1800 BCThe Old Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh constitutes the earliest complete version of that narrative.
1780 BCOldest Record of Code of Hammurabi.
c. 1750 BCMycenaean civilization begins in mainland Greece.
1700 – 1400 BCThe Proto-Sinaitic script is the oldest alphabet created in Egypt.
1700 BCIndus Valley Civilization comes to an end but is continued by the Cemetery H culture; The beginning of Poverty Point culture in North America.
1600 BCMinoan eruption destroys Akrotiri and causes damage to some Minoan sites in eastern Crete.
1600 BCThe beginning of Shang dynasty in China; evidence of a fully developed writing system, see Oracle bone script.
c. 1550 BCThe New Kingdom begins in Egypt.
1500 – 400 BCOlmec civilization flourishes in Pre-Columbian Mexico, during Mesoamerica's Formative period.
1500 BCComposition of the Rigveda is completed.
c. 1500 BCNok culture begins in West Africa.
c. 1400 BCOldest known song with notation.
1200 – 1150 BCLate Bronze Age collapse occurs in Southwestern Asia and in the Eastern Mediterranean region. This period is also the setting of the Iliad and the Odyssey epic poems (which were composed about four centuries later).
1200 BCThe Hallstatt culture begins.
c. 1180 BCDisintegration of Hittite Empire.
1100 BCUse of Iron spreads.
c. 1050 BCThe Phoenician alphabet is created.
c. 1046 BCThe Zhou force, led by King Wu of Zhou, overthrows the last king of Shang dynasty; Zhou dynasty established in China.
1000 BCThe second stream of Bantu expansion reaches the great lakes region of Africa, creating a major population centre.
890 BCApproximate date for the composition of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
814 BCFoundation of Carthage by the Phoenicians in Tunisia.
808 BCFormation of the Kingdom of Macedonia by King Karanos
800 BCRise of Greek city-states.
788 BCIron Age begins in Sungai Batu (Old Kedah).
c. 785 BCRise of the Kingdom of Kush.
776 BCFirst recorded Ancient Olympic Games.
771 BCSpring and Autumn period begins in China; Zhou dynasty's power is diminishing; the era of the Hundred Schools of Thought.
753 BCFounding of Rome (traditional date).
745 BCTiglath-Pileser III becomes the new king of Assyria. With time he conquers neighboring countries and turns Assyria into an empire.
728 BCRise of the Median Empire.
700 BCThe construction of Marib Dam in Arabia Felix, in modern Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
653 BCRise of Achaemenid dynasty.
650 – 550 BCThe Urewe culture dominates the African Great Lakes region. It was one of Africa's oldest iron smelting centres.
621 BCDraco replaces oral law with written law in Classical Athens, considered one of the earliest developments of the Athenian democracy.
612 BCAn alliance between the Babylonians, Medes, and Scythians succeeds in destroying Nineveh and causing subsequent fall of the Assyrian empire.
600 BCSixteen Mahajanapadas ("Great Realms" or "Great Kingdoms") emerge in India.
600 BCEvidence of writing system appears in Oaxaca used by the Zapotec civilization.
c. 600 BCRise of the Sao civilisation near Lake Chad.
c. 600 BCEarly Cholas mentioned in Sangam literature.
594 BCSolon appointed Archon of Classical Athens and begins issuing citizenship and judicial reforms, giving Athenian citizens the right to participate in government.
563 BCSiddhartha Gautama (Buddha), founder of Buddhism is born as a prince of the Shakya clan, which ruled parts of Magadha, one of the Mahajanapadas.
551 BCConfucius, founder of Confucianism, is born.
550 BCFoundation of the Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great.
549 BCMahavira, founder of Jainism, is born.
546 BCCyrus the Great overthrows Croesus, King of Lydia.
544 BCRise of Magadha as the dominant power under Bimbisara.
539 BCThe fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire and liberation of the Jews by Cyrus the Great.
530 BCDeath of Cyrus the Great.
525 BCCambyses II of Persia conquers Ancient Egypt.
c. 512 BCDarius I (Darius the Great) of Persia, subjugates eastern Thrace, Macedonia submits voluntarily, and annexes the Libyan Kingdom, Persian Empire at largest extent.
509 BCExpulsion of Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, founding of Roman Republic (traditional date).
508 BCAthenian democracy instituted at the Republic of Athens.
500 BCPāṇini standardizes the grammar and morphology of Sanskrit in the text Aṣṭādhyāyī. Panini's standardized Sanskrit is known as Classical Sanskrit.
499 BCKing Aristagoras of Miletus incites all of Hellenic Asia Minor to rebel against the Persian Empire, beginning the Greco-Persian Wars.
490 BCGreek city-states defeat Persian invasion at Battle of Marathon.
483 BCDeath of Gautama Buddha.
480 BCPersian invasion of Greece by Xerxes I; Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis.
479 BCDeath of Confucius.
475 BCWarring States period begins in China as the Zhou king became a mere figurehead; China is annexed by regional warlords.
470~469 BCBirth of Socrates.
465 BCMurder of Xerxes I.
460 BCBirth of Democritus.
458 BCOresteia by Aeschylus, the only surviving trilogy of ancient Greek plays, is performed.
449 BCThe Greco-Persian Wars end.
447 BCBuilding of the Parthenon at Athens started.
432 BCConstruction of the Parthenon is completed.
431 BCBeginning of the Peloponnesian War between the Greek city-states.
429 BCSophocles's play Oedipus Rex is first performed.
427 BCBirth of Plato.
424 BCNanda dynasty comes to power in Magadha.
404 BCEnd of the Peloponnesian War.
400 BCZapotec culture flourishes around city of Monte Albán.
400 BCPandya dynasty is founded in South India.
c. 400 BCRise of the Garamantes as an irrigation-based desert state in the Fezzan region of Libya.
399 BCTrial of Socrates.
384 BCBirth of Aristotle.
370 BCDeath of Democritus.
331 BCAlexander the Great defeats Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Gaugamela, completing his conquest of Persia.
326 BCAlexander the Great defeats Indian king Porus in the Battle of the Hydaspes River.
323 BCDeath of Alexander the Great at Babylon.
322 BCDeath of Aristotle.
321 BCChandragupta Maurya overthrows the Nanda dynasty of Magadha.
321 BCEstablishment of the Seleucid Empire by Seleucus I Nicator. The empire existed until 63 BC.
305 BCChandragupta Maurya seizes the satrapies of Paropamisadae (Kabul), Aria (Herat), Arachosia (Qanadahar) and Gedrosia (Baluchistan) from Seleucus I Nicator, the Macedonian satrap of Babylonia, in return for 500 elephants.
c. 300 BCCompletion of Euclid's Elements.
c. 300 BCPingala uses zero and binary numeral system.
300 BCSangam literature (Tamil: சங்க இலக்கியம், Canka ilakkiyam) period in the history of ancient southern India (known as the Tamilakam)
300 BCConstruction of the Great Pyramid of Cholula, the world's largest pyramid by volume (the Great Pyramid of Giza built 2560 BC Egypt stands 146.5 meters, making it 91.5 meters taller), begins in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico.
273 BCAshoka becomes the emperor of the Maurya Empire.
261 BCKalinga War.
257 BCAn Dương Vương takes over Việt Nam (then Kingdom of Âu Lạc).
255 BCAshoka sends a Buddhist missionary led by his son who was Mahinda Thero (Buddhist monk) to Sri Lanka (then Lanka) Mahinda (Buddhist monk).
250 BCRise of Parthia (Ashkâniân), the second native dynasty of ancient Persia.
232 BCDeath of Emperor Ashoka; Decline of the Mauryan Empire.
230 BCEmergence of Satavahana in South India.
221 BCQin Shi Huang unifies China, end of Warring States period; marking the beginning of Imperial rule in China which lasts until 1912. Construction of the Great Wall of China by the Qin dynasty begins.
216 BCBattle of Cannae – Rome defeated in major battle in the second Punic War.
207 BCNanyue Kingdom extends from Guangzhou to North Việt Nam .
206 BCHan dynasty established in China, after the death of Qin Shi Huang; China in this period officially becomes a Confucian state and opens trading connections with the West, i.e. the Silk Road.
202 BCScipio Africanus defeats Hannibal at Battle of Zama.
200 BCEl Mirador, largest early Maya city, flourishes.
200 BCPaper is invented in the Han dynasty.
c. 200 BCChera dynasty in South India.
185 BCShunga Empire founded.
167 – 160 BCMaccabean Revolt.
149 – 146 BCThird Punic War between Rome and Carthage. War ends with the complete destruction of Carthage, allowing Rome to conquer modern day Tunisia and Libya.
146 BCRoman conquest of Greece, see Greece in the Roman era.
c. 145 BCEucratides I dies; Greco-Bactrian Kingdom collapses. Remnants move southwards to form the Indo-Greek Kingdom.
121 BCRoman armies enter Gaul for the first time.
111 BCFirst Chinese domination of Vietnam in the form of the Nanyue Kingdom.
c. 100 BCChola dynasty rises in prominence.
100 BC – 100 ADBantu-speaking communities in the African Great Lakes regions develop iron forging techniques that enable them to produce carbon steel.
100 BC – 300 ADThe earliest Bantu settlements in the Swahili coast appear on the archaeological record in Kwale County in Kenya, Misasa in Tanzania and Ras Hafun in Somalia.
c. 82 BCBurebista becomes the king of Dacia.
71 BCDeath of Spartacus. End of the Third Servile War, a major slave uprising against the Roman Republic.
c. 63 BCThe Siege of Jerusalem leads to the conquest of Judea by the Romans.
c. 60 – 44 BCBurebista conquers territories from south Germany to Thrace, reaching the coast of the Aegean Sea.
49 BCRoman Civil War between Julius Caesar and Pompey.
44 BCJulius Caesar murdered by Marcus Junius Brutus and others; End of Roman Republic; beginning of Roman Empire.
44 BCBurebista is assassinated in the same year like Julius Caesar and his empire breaks into 4 and later 5 kingdoms in modern-day Romania.
31 – 30 BCBattle of Actium. The Roman conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt.
30 BCCleopatra ends her reign as the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt.
27 BCFormation of Roman Empire: Augustus is given titles of Princeps and Augustus by Roman Senate – beginning of Pax Romana. Formation of influential Praetorian Guard to provide security to Emperor.
27 – 22 BCAmanirenas, the kandake (Queen) of the Kingdom of Kush, leads Kushite armies against the Romans.
18 BCThree Kingdoms period begins in Korea. Herod's Temple is reconstructed.
6 BCEarliest theorized date for birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Roman succession: Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar groomed for the throne.
4 BCWidely accepted date (Ussher) for birth of Jesus.
c. 1 – 50 ADThe Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, a Graeco-Roman manuscript is written. It describes an established Indian Ocean Trade route.
9 ADBattle of the Teutoburg Forest, the Imperial Roman army's bloodiest defeat.
14 ADDeath of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar (Octavian), ascension of his adopted son Tiberius to the throne.
30 – 33 ADCrucifixion of Jesus, exact date unknown.
37 ADDeath of Emperor Tiberius, ascension of his nephew Caligula to the throne.
40 ADRome conquers Mauretania.
41 ADEmperor Caligula is assassinated by the Roman senate. His uncle Claudius succeeds him.
43 ADThe Roman Empire enters Great Britain for the first time.
54 ADEmperor Claudius dies and is succeeded by his grand nephew Nero.
68 ADEmperor Nero commits suicide, prompting the Year of the Four Emperors in Rome.
70 ADDestruction of Jerusalem by the armies of Titus.
79 ADDestruction of Pompeii by the volcano Vesuvius.
98 ADAfter a two-year rule, Emperor Nerva dies of natural causes, his adopted son Trajan succeeds him.
100 – 940 ADKingdom of Aksum forms in the Horn of Africa.
106 – 117 ADRoman Empire at largest extent under Trajan after having conquered modern-day Romania, Iraq and Armenia.
117 ADTrajan dies of natural causes. His adopted son Hadrian succeeds him. Hadrian pulls out of Iraq and Armenia.
122 ADConstruction of Hadrian's Wall begins.
126 ADHadrian completes the Roman Pantheon.
138 ADHadrian dies of natural causes. His adopted son Antoninus Pius succeeds him.
161 ADDeath of Antoninus Pius. His rule was the only one in which Rome did not fight in a war.
161 ADMarcus Aurelius becomes emperor of the Roman Empire.
180 ADReign of Marcus Aurelius officially ends.
180 – 181 ADCommodus becomes Roman Emperor.
192 ADKingdom of Champa in Tay Nguyen.
200s ADThe Buddhist Srivijaya Empire established in Maritime Southeast Asia.
220 ADThree Kingdoms period begins in China after the fall of Han dynasty.
226 ADFall of the Parthian Empire and Rise of the Sasanian Empire.
238 ADDefeat of Gordian III (238–244), Philip the Arab (244–249), and Emperor Valerian (253–260), by Shapur I of Persia (Valerian was captured by the Persians).
266 ADEmperor Wu of Jin established the First Jin dynasty providing a temporary unity of China after the devastating Three Kingdoms period.
284 ADDiocletian becomes emperor of Rome and splits the Roman Empire into Eastern and Western Roman Empires.
285 ADDiocletian begins a large-scale persecution of Christians.
292 ADThe capital of the Roman empire is officially moved from Rome to Mediolanum (modern day Milan).
300 – 1000 ADGrowth of Azanian and Zanj settlements in the Swahili coast. Local industry and international trade flourish.
301 ADDiocletian's Edict on Maximum Prices.
301 ADArmenia first to adopt Christianity as state religion.
313 ADEdict of Milan declared that the Roman Empire would tolerate all forms of religious worship.
316 ADEmperor Min of Jin executed, with northern China then controlled by various kingdoms founded by non-Han people. The Jin dynasty continues to rule the south.
325 ADConstantine the Great organizes the First Council of Nicaea.
330 ADConstantinople is officially named and becomes the capital of the eastern Roman Empire.
335 ADSamudragupta becomes the emperor of the Gupta Empire.
337 ADEmperor Constantine the Great dies, leaving his sons Constantius II, Constans, and Emperor Constantine II as the emperors of the Roman empire.
350 ADConstantius II is left sole emperor with the death of his two brothers.
354 ADBirth of Augustine of Hippo.
361 ADConstantius II dies, his cousin Emperor Julian succeeds him.
378 ADBattle of Adrianople, Roman army is defeated by the Germanic tribes.
380 ADRoman Emperor Theodosius I declares the Arian faith of Christianity heretical.
395 ADTheodosius I outlaws all religions other than Catholic Christianity.
406 ADRomans are expelled from Britain.
407 – 409 ADVisigoths and other Germanic tribes cross into Roman-Gaul for the first time.
410 ADVisigoths sack Rome in 410 for the first time since 390 BC.
415 ADGermanic tribes enter Spain.
420 ADThe general Liu Yu usurps the Jin in southern China, beginning the Liu Song dynasty.
429 ADVandals enter North Africa from Spain for the first time.
439 ADVandals have conquered the land stretching from Morocco to Tunisia by this time.
439 ADThe Northern Wei dynasty unites northern China, beginning the Northern and Southern dynasties period.
455 ADVandals sack Rome, capture Sicily and Sardinia.
c. 455 ADSkandagupta repels a Huna people attack on India.
476 ADRomulus Augustulus, last Western Roman Emperor is forced to abdicate by Odoacer, a chieftain of the Germanic Heruli; Odoacer returns the imperial regalia to Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno in Constantinople in return for the title of dux of Italy; most frequently cited date for the end of ancient history.