a visit with jesus

 Bible Art

Visitation of the Virgin and St. Elizabeth
Artist: Jacopo da Pontormo
 1514-16    Painting

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This work shows the moment when St. Elizabeth (pregnant with John the Baptist) visits the Virgin Mary (pregnant with Jesus) thus symbolizing the future importance of the relationship between the two unborn children. This early painting is in fact one of two Visitation scenes Pontormo painted, the second completed a little over a decade later. Comparison between the two works demonstrate the significant shift made by Pontormo from Renaissance modes of representation toward Mannerism. 

This fresco is in the Fresco -Basilica della Santissima Annunziata, Florence 

Wedding at Cana
Artist: Paolo Veronese
 1563    Painting

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The Wedding at Cana (or The Wedding Feast at Cana) by Paolo Veronese is an oil on canvas that was painted in 1563 for the Benedectine Monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.  The painting with dimensions of 666 cm x 990 cm (262 in x 390 in) is displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

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