The Barren Fig Tree
Read: Luke 13:6-9
SeeThe parable of the barren fig tree is a parable about a fig tree that does not produce fruit.
The Church Fathers, and later, the Catholic Church interpreted this parable as Jesus warning Christians that they must bear fruits after their conversion worthy of repentance or risk being condemned. God, in his mercy, checks on believers to see if they have borne fruit worthy of their baptism and conversion. If someone says he is Christian but has not borne fruit, he is condemned. This verse was used during the Counter-Reformation to help support the belief of the Church that faith without works is dead.
In the Protestant interpretation of this parable, the owner is generally regarded as representing God the Father, who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and came seeking fruit. The gardener is Jesus.The fig tree was a common symbol for Israel and may also have that meaning here. Also, the tree in the parable may refer to a Christian who has heard the gospel of Christ by faith unto salvation. In either case, the parable reflects Jesus offering a chance for repentance and forgiveness of sin, showing his grace toward his believers.
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