a visit with jesus

 Parables of Jesus

The Unjust Steward

 Read: Luke 16:1-13  


In the Parable of the Unjust Steward a steward who is about to be fired tries to "curry favor" with his master's debtors by canceling some of their debts. The term "steward" is common in many English translations of the New Testament, with some versions instead using "manager."

No parable in the gospels has been the subject of so much controversy as this one.  On its face of it, the parable appears to be commending dishonest behavior. Although some believe that the manager is forgoing a commission due to him personally, other scholars disagree. Although the master may have a grudging admiration for the manager's "shrewdness", Jesus identifies the manager as dishonest. 

The manager in the parable was probably a slave or freedman acting as his master's agent in business affairs. As his master's representative, the agreements he signs with the debtors were therefore binding. The parable does share the theme of other passages where Jesus counsels that sharing of possessions (and hospitality) on behalf of the poor will lead to eternal treasure in heaven. When death comes, "the power we have to do good with our money ends, teaching us that we should do good with it now so that the friends we make on earth will be waiting for us in heaven.

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