a visit with jesus

 Parables of Jesus

The Unjust Judge

 Read: Luke 18:1-8  


In the Parable of the Unjust Judge, a judge who lacks compassion is repeatedly approached by a woman seeking justice. Initially rejecting her demands, he eventually honors her request so he will not be worn out by her persistence.

One interpretation of this parable is that it teaches the principle of never giving up. It is noteworthy that the judge in the parable does not act on the basis of justice. The tale demonstrates the need to always pray like the persistent widow, for if even an unjust judge will eventually listen, God will be much quicker to do so.

Cornelius a Lapide pointed out that it is impossible for us to pray always and at all times. We must have a time for eating, drinking, working, etc. Our instruction, therefore, is not to be continuously in prayer, but to show perseverance in prayer: that is, that we should set apart fit times for prayer, and not cease to pray until we have obtained what we need and what we ask for.

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