The Lamp Under a Bushel
Read: Matthew 5:14-15 Mark 4:21-25 Luke 8:16-18
SeeThe parable of the lamp under a bushel is one of the parables of Jesus. In Matthew, the parable is a continuation of the discourse on salt and light in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, whereas in Mark and Luke, it is connected with Jesus' explanation of the Parable of the Sower.
The key idea of the parable is that light is to be revealed, not concealed. The light here has been interpreted as referring to Jesus and his message. Jesus quotes a pessimistic proverb on how the rich get richer and the poor keep losing even the little they have, but later denounces the saying in the next parable that alludes to Joel 3:13 in assuring that God's judgment on the ruling powers will come.
These words are meant to stimulate the Apostles to shine as lights before the world, to enlighten the surrounding darkness, and impart to all the world the light of a holy, pure teaching. As a city on a hill cannot be hid, so neither can the Apostles, from their exalted position, be concealed from the eyes of men.
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