The Wicked Husbandmen
Read: Matthew 21:33-41 Mark 12:1-9 Luke 20:9-16
SeeThe Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, (a.k.a. the Parable of the Bad Tenants), describes a landowner planting a vineyard and letting it out to husbandmen (tenants) who failed in their duties. A popular interpretation is that this parable was about the chief priests and Pharisees, and was given to the people present within the Temple in Jerusalem during the final week before the death of Jesus.
All the synoptic versions of the parable state that the priests of the Sanhedrin understood that Jesus' parable was directed against them, and thus that they are the husbandmen. These workers often tended absentee estates in Israel, and if the estate owner had no heirs, the workers would have the first right to the land. Using a vineyard as a metaphor to describe Israel was a common practice for religious discourse at the time.
The owner of the vineyard is God and the son is Jesus. The traditional interpretation about the owner leaving the vineyard suggests that God has left humans with the free will to act as they choose.
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