Hebrew Name: Azariah
Judah (Southern Kingdom)
Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah
Taking the throne at sixteen, Uzziah made Judah more prosperous than it had been since Solomon. He repaired relations with Israel and reorganized Judah’s army to reconquer all lost territory. Uzziah recovered Edom and repaired the port of Ezion-geber, annexed Philistine cities on the coast, and built fortifications along highways and borders.
Jerusalem was refortified and became a busy commercial center. But after Uzziah developed leprosy (" tzaraath") he lived in seclusion in the palace, having his son Jotham execute his orders. Because of his leprosy, he was not buried in the royal tomb.
Hebrew Name: Yotam ben 'Uzziyahu
Judah (Southern Kingdom)
Prophets: Hosea, Isaiah, Micah
Well trained by his father, Jotham maintained Judah’s prosperity and military advantage. The Bible says he did right in the sight of the Lord but the people continued acting corruptly.
Hebrew Name: 'Achaz ben Yotam
Judah (Southern Kingdom)
Prophets: Micah
A weak king who inherited the throne at age 20. Ahaz indulged in pagan cults that involved child sacrifice and burned his son as an offering. He was unable to control Edom or the Philistine coast, both of which broke away. When he was invaded by a coalition of Israel and Aram-damascus, he appealed to Tiglat-pileser, saying “I am thy servant.” The Assyrians obliged by crushing Damascus and most of Israel, but in return Ahaz had to pay Tiglat-pileser heavy tribute. He too was denied burial in the royal tombs.
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