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 Books on The Shroud or Turin

A Chemist's Perspective on the Shroud of Turin
Author: Raymond N. Rogers
ISBN: 978-0-6152-3928-6

Raymond N. Rogers was the head of the chemistry experiments for the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), the team of twenty-four researchers that performed the first ever in-depth scientific examination of the controversial relic in 1978. He was a professional chemist for fifty-two years and spent thirty-five years as a research chemist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, until his retirement in 1988.

A rigorous and empirical scientist, Rogers spent years working on the Shroud as a member of the STURP team. He continued his research after the STURP project concluded, but set his studies aside in frustration as unqualified "experts" presented what he considered poor quality and non-scientific "evidence" for the authenticity of the Shroud in the popular media. In the end however, new data came to light that prompted his return to Shroud research, even though he was in failing health.

Paperback, 8½" x 11", 149 Pages
68 Color and Black & White Illustrations
Published by Barrie M. Schwortz
Publication Date: July 2008
ISBN: 978-0-6152-3928-6

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