Deuteronomy 2
David Pawson examines Moses’ speeches to his people in Deuteronomy before they enter the Promised Land. Their parents’ lack of faith had delayed their journey almost 40 years. God had been faithful to them, now they are warned, don’t be like your parents; keep your faith and you’ll keep the land. Moses tells them how they are to live if they want to keep their land. The Ten Commandments are all about respect. The quickest way to destroy society is to destroy respect. The laws given to Moses cover the whole of life, from your toilet arrangements to the way you worship, from your clothes to your cooking. The laws weren’t written to restrict people, but so that it may be well with them. The last speech tells the people that when they get in they must announce the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience and the people must say amen. Deuteronomy is the most fundamental book to the whole of the Old Testament. It’s the key to the whole history of Israel because when they went in to the Promised Land, they followed the practices of the evil inhabitants instead of ousting them. Prophet after prophet told them, go on like this and God will keep His promise to curse you. Every prophet appeals back to Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy plays a big part in the New Testament too. To love is to obey because in God’s sight, love is loyalty.
Joshua 1
David Pawson looks at Joshua, the 6th book in the Old Testament which seems to follow directly on from Deuteronomy but for Jews there is a profound difference: No laws in the book of Joshua. The first five books are the basic Constitution of the people of Israel. The rest of the Old Testament is how it all works out. The next six books are what we call history, but the Jews call them prophecy. The first five books are the foundation of Judaism, and they call them The Torah which means instruction. The first five show God’s promises to them, the next six show the fulfillment of those promises, cause and effect. The book of Joshua covers his life, from the age of 80 to 120. It details how they took the land that God had promised them. After that, how they divided the land between the tribes. The book begins with Joshua’s commission by God and the people and ends with his final sermon, death and burial. God promised Joshua He would never leave him and that he would prosper and be successful in what he did for the Lord. Joshua’s courage and the people’s morale would be what won them the battle. Morale and morality are what God requires in a leader. God drying up the Jordan was a repetition of the parting of the Red Sea for a new generation to show them the God of their fathers was with them too.
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