Revelation Talk 5 The Last Millennium
David Pawson says Christian hope is fixed on the ultimate future – as seen in the book of Revelation. Toward the end, there are 7 visions as well as oral messages to John. David warns about the division of the Word of God into chapters and verses which has caused people to become ‘text people’ where a verse is taken out of context and misunderstood. The visions thus have been split into 3 chapters. For a thousand years the church had no chapter and verse numbers. David says we need to take the visions in their order, and not juggle chapters. We find 4 enemies of the human race: Satan, antichrist, the false prophet and Babylon. Jesus doesn’t ride a donkey – he is on horseback, ready for war against evil. A world battle will take place at Megiddo, at the crossroads of the world, and Jesus will destroy his enemies with a word. Then he will rule the world with Christians sharing that reign for a thousand years - the millennium. It will be a time of world peace. 4 major events in the visions: The Second Coming; The Millennial Rule of Christ on Earth; The Day of Judgment; and the New Heaven and New Earth.
Revelation Talk 6 The Descending Bride
In this last study on Revelation, David Pawson lists the reasons for his view of the Millennium and resumes looking at John’s visions about our future including the final judgment. Books will be opened that reveal our records. Those who are ‘in Christ’ on that day – their names will be in His book, the Book of Life. The human race finishes in 2 groups only – those who live under the rule of God and those who want to live their own way. David warns against the lack of the fear of God abroad today which says that those who are not faithful to the Lord will be annihilated. Rather, ‘our God is a consuming fire, so let us worship him with awe and reverence.’ The good news for our future is that there is to be a new heaven and a new earth where God and those who have been faithful to him will live together. We can live in this new heaven and earth if we are willing to be ‘recycled’ now. Recycling is making useless things (and people) useful. David reveals evidence for the truth of Revelation in regard to the gems that are mentioned in the New Jerusalem – fascinating. He gives 10 reasons for reading Revelation.
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