Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Where were Peter and John sent after Philip had preached the gospel there?
Answer: Samaria   Acts 8:4-14
2. Who heard Peters voice at the door but failed to let him in?
Answer: Rhoda   Acts 12:13-14
3. After Peter escapes from prison, Herod orders the jailkeepers to -
Answer: Be put to death   Acts 12:18-19
4. When Paul was arrested in Jerusalem, the people that stirred up the crowd against him were Jews from what geographical area?
Answer: Asia   Acts 21:27
5. Who was the only woman mentioned by name with the apostles in the upper room waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: Mary, the mother of Jesus   Acts 1:14
6. Name a certain disciple at Damascus who was told to find Saul of Tarsus and to lay his hands upon him so that he might regain his sight.
Answer: Ananias   Acts 9:10-13
7. What woman was raised from the dead by Peter through the spirit of God?
Answer: Tabitha   Acts 9:40
8. Who helped a eunuch to understand a portion of the book of Isaiah?
Answer: Philip   Acts 8:29-31
9. What Roman ruler expelled all the Jews out of Rome in the days of the early church?
Answer: Claudius   Acts 18:2
10. Philip was instructed by an angel to go south from Jerusalem along a road that led to what other city?
Answer: Gaza   Acts 8:26

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