Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Why did God decide to destroy all of mankind except for Noah and his family ?
Answer: Because man was so wicked or evil.   Gen 6:5-8
2. Who took the body of Jesus to be entombed
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea  John 19:38
3. Name one of the tax collectors that Jesus knew who was not an apostle. ?
Answer: Zaccheus   Luke 19:5
4. Which book of the Bible does God provide the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites ?
Answer: Exodus   Ex 20
5. What book prophesied hundreds of years in advance that Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and the money would later be used to buy a potter's field: Zechariah, Psalms, or Micah ?
Answer: Zechariah   Zech 11:12-13
6. Fill in the following blank with one word: "Faith, by itself, if it does not have works, is _______." ?
Answer: Dead   James 2:17
7. What does the word "fasted" mean when the Bible says Jesus fasted for 40 days ?
Answer: Didn't eat   Matt 4:2
8. Name the first four books of the New Testament ?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John   
9. What do you call a person who dies for what he believes, like Stephen and the other apostles ?
Answer: A martyr   Acts 7:59
10. Fill in the following blank with one word: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his _______ and follow me." ?
Answer: Cross   Matt 16:24
11. How many braids did Samson have in his hair ?
Answer: Seven   Judges 16:19
12. When Jesus saved the lives of all the disciples, they were amazed that even the winds and what else obeyed him ?
Answer: The sea   Matt 8:27
13. Which one of his disciples did Jesus tell to look after his mother just before he died on the cross ?
Answer: John   John 19:26-27
14. Jesus promised he will returnRomans that we will not know the day nor the what ?
Answer: Hour   Matt 24:36
15. How many books of the New Testament spend most of their time describing the events of Jesus' life ?
Answer: Four   
16. What was the name of the governor who placed a sign over Jesus on the cross, saying "The King of the Jews" ?
Answer: Pilate   John 19:19
17. Whom did Laban give to Jacob as his first wife, even though he had promised Rachel to Jacob ?
Answer: Leah   Gen 29:21-25
18. Which book in the Bible follows Acts ?
Answer: Romans   Romans 1
19. What relative did Abraham tell the Egyptian Pharaoh his wife Sarah was in order to protect himself ?
Answer: His sister   Gen 12:11-13
20. How did Judas Iscariot die ?
Answer: He hung himself.   Matt 27:5

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