Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. How old was Jesus when he stayed behind in the temple while his parents thought he was lost?
Answer: 12 years   Luke 2:42
2. Fill in the blank of Jesus' sentence with one word: "I am the vine; you are the _________." ?
Answer: Branches   John 15:5
3. Who fell down laughing when God told him his old wife would have a baby ?
Answer: Abraham   Gen 17:17
4. Did Jesus ever spit in a man's eyes ?
Answer: Yes   Mark 8:23
5. How many brothers did Jesus have - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 ?
Answer: 4 brothers   Mark 6:3
6. Who took Lot and his family by their hands and led them out of Sodom and Gomorrah before it was destroyed ?
Answer: Angels   Gen 19:15-16
7. Who was the other friend of Daniel, Shadrach, and Meshach ?
Answer: Abednego   Dan 1:7
8. How many baskets were used to pick up the leftover food after Jesus fed the 4,000 people with seven loaves and a few fish ?
Answer: 7 baskets   Matt 15:37
9. How was the birth of John the Baptist a miracle ?
Answer: His mother was very old.   Luke 1:36
10. Which book of the Bible comes right after Malachi ?
Answer: Matthew  Matthew 1:1-3
11. Fill in the following blank with one word: "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is _____." ?
Answer: Love   1 Cor 13:13
12. In which book did Moses prophesy the many terrible things that would happen to the Jewish people throughout history: Genesis, Exodus, or Deuteronomy ?
Answer: Deuteronomy   Deut 28
13. Put the following in the order in which they lived: Moses, Abraham, and Noah. ?
Answer: Noah, Abraham, and Moses   Genesis 6:8
14. In the story recorded in Genesis of the sacrifice on Mt. Moriah, which father and son do we read about ?
Answer: Abraham and Isaac   Gen 22
15. Who looked after or ministered to Jesus after his temptation by Satan in the desert ?
Answer: Angels   Matt 4:11
16. What are the first two words of each of the Beatitudes as recorded in Matthew ?
Answer: Blessed are  Matthew 5:3-12
17. Is the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament or the New Testament ?
Answer: Old Testament  Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
18. Which prophet was fed by ravens in the wilderness ?
Answer: Elijah   1 Kings 17:4-7
19. In what city did Daniel serve the king: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Babylon, Rome, or Galilee ?
Answer: Babylon   Dan 1
20. Who had a dream of seven fat and seven lean cows ?
Answer: Pharaoh   Gen 41:1-4

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