Bible Q & A: Verses

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1. Who watched as Moses floated in the basket down the Nile?
Answer: His Sister Miriam   Exodus 2:4
2. Who would have nothing to do with the author of 3 John?
Answer: Diotrephes   3 John 1:9
3. In the book of Philemon, who is Pauls fellow prisoner?
Answer: Epaphras   Philemon 1:23
4. James used the example of which Old Testament figure to demonstrate how the prayers of a righteous man can have powerful results?
Answer: Elijah   James 5:13-18
5. How does the author of 1 John often refer to his readers?
Answer: Children   1 John 1
6. What does Solomon say about sin?
Answer: That no one does not sin   Ecclesiastes 7:20
7. Who pretended to be mad to avoid capture and death at the hands of an enemy king?
Answer: David   1 Samuel 21:13
8. Who was the priest of Bethel during the time of Amos?
Answer: Amaziah   Amos 7:10
9. Who was the grandson of Samuel?
Answer: Heman   1 Chronicles 6:33
10. Who was the high priest during the time of Zechariah?
Answer: Joshua   Zechariah 6:10-11
11. Finish this proverb: Where there is no vision -
Answer: the people perish.   Proverbs 29:18
12. And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.- Who is the dreamer in this verse?
Answer: Joseph   Genesis 37:19
13. Finish this Proverb: Labour not to be
Answer: rich   Proverbs 23:4
14. Complete this verse: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth -
Answer: good tidings   Isaiah 52:7
15. Complete this verse from Job: for the price of wisdom is -
Answer: above rubies   Job 28:18
16. Who does God call: my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.?
Answer: David   Psalms 89:27
17. Who said -But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.?
Answer: Paul   Philippians 3:7
18. Who said: Come now, and let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.?
Answer: The Lord   Isaiah 1:18
19. What does Paul call the Galatians?
Answer: foolish   Galatians 3:1
20. Who begins their book with: Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken
Answer: Isaiah   Isaiah 1:2

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