Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Put the following in the order in which they lived - Jacob, Abraham, and Isaac.?
Answer: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.   Exodus 3:6
2. How many brothers did Adam have?
Answer: None   Genesis 5:2
3. What was the first supernatural act of Moses and Aaron which the Egyptian magicians could not imitate?
Answer: Producing lice or gnats   Ex 8:18
4. What was the name of the garden where Jesus often went to pray?
Answer: Gethsemane   Matt 26:36
5. How many days was it dark during the plague of darkness over the land of Egypt in Exodus - 1, 3, 7, 10, or 40?
Answer: 3 days   Ex 10:22
6. What was the name of Moses's sister?
Answer: Miriam   Num 26:59
7. Where in the Bible is the book of Jude found - the Old Testament or New Testament?
Answer: New Testament   Jude 1:1
8. Who was called a dreamer by his brothers?
Answer: Joseph   Gen 37:19
9. Name one of the Old Testament books that begins with the letter "Z"?
Answer: Zephaniah or Zechariah  Zephaniah 1:1
10. Who was the best friend of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?
Answer: Daniel   Dan 1:7
11. What was so special about the New Testament writers James and Jude that wasn't true of any other New Testament writers?
Answer: They were brothers of Jesus.   Matthew 13:55
12. Which of the following was a prophet of God: Ebenezer, Enoch, Ezekiel, or Emmaus?
Answer: Ezekiel   Ezekiel 1:3
13. According to Luke 10:27, we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind and what else?
Answer: Strength   Luke 10:27
14. What disease is mentioned in the Bible more than any other?
Answer: Leprosy   Leviticus 13:3
15. Which of the following ladies was married to King David: Bathsheba, Esther, Jezebel, or Ruth?
Answer: Bathsheba   2 Sam 11:27
16. When God saved baby Moses from the wicked Pharaoh, what was the most important plan God had for Moses when he became an adult?
Answer: To help the Israelites flee from Egypt.   Ex 3:10
17. What did Jesus say cannot add one hour to your life?
Answer: Worry   Matt 6:27
18. When Jacob had a dream of a ladder going up to heaven, what did he see going up and down on it?
Answer: Angels   Gen 28:10-12
19. What caused Cain to become angry and kill his brother Abel?
Answer: Because God liked Abel's offering better.   Gen 4:3-4
20. What name did Zechariah write and immediately have his ability to speak return: John, Jesus, or Jehovah?
Answer: John   Luke 1

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