Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Complete the following, The light of the body is -
Answer: The eye  Matthew 6:22
2. Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; the first, --- , who is called Peter, and --- his brother, --- the son of Zebedee, and John his brother
Answer: Simon, Andrew, James  Matthew 10:2
3. --- not, that ye be not ---
Answer: Judge, judged  Matthew 7:1
4. Be not forgetful to entertain ---, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
Answer: Strangers   Hebrews 13:2
5. Ye should earnestly contend for the --- which was once delivered unto the saints.
Answer: Faith  Jude 1:3
6. If any of you lack wisdom, let him - ?
Answer: Ask of God  James 1:5
7. Avoid foolish --- , and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the --- for they are unprofitable and vain
Answer: Questions, law  Titus 3:9
8. Sanctify them through thy ---, thy word is ---.
Answer: Truth  John 17:17
9. By faith, --- blessed --- and --- concerning things to come
Answer: Isaac, Jacob, Esau  Hebrews 11:20
10. He that hath the son hath ---, and he that hath not the son of God hath not ---.
Answer: Life  1 John 5:12
11. Where did the Pharisees claim Jesus got his power from?
Answer: Beelzebub   Matthew 12:24
12. Concerning which disciple did the rumor spread that he would not die?
Answer: John   John 21:23
13. At what age did Jesus begin his ministry?
Answer: 30   Luke 3:23
14. How many thieves were crucified with Christ?
Answer: Two   John 19:18
15. The four Biblical accounts of Jesus life are called:
Answer: The Gospels   
16. How many of the healed ten lepers returned to thank Jesus?
Answer: One   Luke 17:18
17. In the parable, what did the servant whose debt had been forgiven do?
Answer: Choked someone who owed him   Matthew 18:28
18. Who tried to kill Jesus soon after he was born?
Answer: Herod   Matthew 2:13
19. Who thought Jesus was a gardener when she saw Him after He had risen?
Answer: Mary Magdelane   John 20:11
20. Which disciple held a feast for Jesus and invited tax collectors and sinners"? "
Answer: Matthew   Matthew 9:10

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