Bible Q & A: Verses

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Where was Jesus when he said the following: "My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me."?
Answer: On the cross   Matt 27:46
2. Who in the New Testament wrote about his "thorn in the flesh"?
Answer: Paul   2 Cor 12:7
3. What does the word "Rabbi" mean?
Answer: Teacher   John 1:38
4. Who was the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth?
Answer: Noah   Gen 10:1
5. Name one of the two books in the Bible named after women.?
Answer: Ruth or Esther   Ruth 1:4
6. What did Jesus say a good tree shows?
Answer: Good fruit   Matt 7:17
7. In Jesus' parable of the ten virgins, what did the five foolish ones forget to bring?
Answer: Oil   Matt 25:1-3
8. In Joseph's dream, how many stars bowed down to him -3, 7, 10, 11, or 12?
Answer: 11   Gen 37:9
9. Who was the mother of Ishmael?
Answer: Hagar  Gen 16:1, 15-16
10. To what kind of animals did Rebekah offer water showing that she was the bride God had picked for Isaac?
Answer: Camels   Gen 24:20
11. What land did Cain go to live in which was east of Eden?
Answer: Nod   Gen 4:16
12. What relative of John the Baptist was Jesus?
Answer: Cousin   Luke 1:36
13. Which book of the Bible comes right before Acts?
Answer: John   John 1:1-3
14. When Jacob fled to his uncle Laban, who did he fall in love with and want to marry?
Answer: Rachel   Gen 29:18
15. After the magicians and wise men were unable to explain Pharaoh's dreams of cows and corn, for who did he send to explain them?
Answer: Joseph   Gen 41:14-15
16. In what land did Jacob ask his sons to bury him?
Answer: Canaan   Gen 49:30
17. Where in the Bible is the book "Titus" found, the Old Testament or New Testament?
Answer: New Testament   Titus 1:4
18. After Jesus fed the 5,000 people, how did he get across the first portion of the sea of Galilee?
Answer: He walked on the water.   John 6:19
19. What is the name of the Old Testament book that begins with the letter "O"?
Answer: Obadiah   Obadiah 1:1
20. What insect was the writer of Proverbs talking about when he said: "Consider her ways and be wise."?
Answer: An ant   Prov 6:6

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