Bible Q & A: Verses

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1. Which of the following men was a prophet of God - Nicodemus, Nathanael, Nahum, or Nebuchadnezar ?
Answer: Nahum   Nahum 1:1
2. Who once warned Jesus about the smell of a dead body ?
Answer: Martha   John 11:39
3. What is the personal name of God the Father, beginning with "J" which appears through the Old Testament ?
Answer: Jehovah   Gen 2:4
4. What did God do to Moses' hand briefly in order to show his power ?
Answer: Made it leprous   Ex 4:6-7
5. What old childless couple did God promise would have a son, and their descendants would be as numerous as the stars and sand ?
Answer: Abraham and Sarah   Gen 15, 16
6. What occupation was Habakkuk ?
Answer: A prophet   Habakkuk 1:1
7. What kind of flower did Jesus say was dressed more beautifully than King Solomon ?
Answer: Lilies   Matt 6:28
8. Where in the Bible is the book of "Philemon" found, the Old Testament or New Testament ?
Answer: New Testament   Philemon 1:1
9. Who was Adam and Eve's third son ?
Answer: Seth   Gen 4:25
10. Where did Adam and Eve hide when they heard God walking in the Garden of Eden ?
Answer: In the trees   Gen 3:8
11. With what two things did John the Baptist say Jesus would baptize ?
Answer: The Holy Spirit and Fire.   Matt 3:11
12. Which king of Israel had 700 wives of royal blood ?
Answer: Solomon   1 Kings 11:3
13. To whom was God speaking when He first said: "All the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." ?
Answer: Abraham   Gen 12:3
14. In which country were Joseph and his father Jacob finally reunited after not seeing each other for years ?
Answer: Egypt   Gen 47:5-6
15. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word "apostle": epistle, disciple, missionary, or prophet ?
Answer: Disciple   Matthew 5:1
16. Who said to her mother-in-law: "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." ?
Answer: Ruth   Ruth 1:16
17. Other than the flaming sword, what else did God use to protect the way to the tree of life after Adam and Eve sinned ?
Answer: Angels or cherubim   Gen 3:24
18. To who did Jesus say that we should forgive a person who sins against us 70 times 7 ?
Answer: Peter   Matt 18:21-22
19. Name the father of John the Baptist ?
Answer: Zacharias   Luke 1:11-13
20. Which of the following was not a prophet of God: Joel, Jeremiah, Jonah, or Jordan ?
Answer: Jordan   Numbers 36:13

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