Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. How many children did King Rehoboam have?
Answer: 88
2. Who was King Solomon's mother?
Answer: Bathsheba
3. Who was Samuel's father?
Answer: Elkanah
4. Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Answer: John
5. Was John the Baptist a disciple?
Answer: No
6. How many Gospels are in the New Testament?
Answer: Four
7. What are the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
8. Who is the book of Acts addressing?
Answer: The churches
9. How many horses appear in the book of Revelation?
Answer: Four
10. What color are the four horses in the book of Revelation?
Answer: White, Red, Dark, & Pale
11. Who did Peter raise from the dead in the city of Joppa?
Answer: Dorcas
12. Which disciple was crucified upside-down?
Answer: Peter
13. What two men in the Bible never died?
Answer: Elijah & Enoch
14. Who is the oldest man in the Bible?
Answer: Methuselah
15. Who is Methuselah's father?
Answer: Enoch
16. How long did the Israelites wander through the wilderness?
Answer: 40 years
17. How many times did Noah send out a dove from the Ark?
Answer: Three times
18. What did the dove bring back that let Noah know that the water was receding?
Answer: A freshly plucked olive leaf
19. Who was pregnant at the same time as Mary?
Answer: Elizabeth
20. Who said, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
Answer: Cain

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