Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. In the Song of Songs, how much is the bride's dowry?
Answer: 1,000 silver pieces
2. In 2 Sam 14, how did the wise woman disguise herself?
Answer: As a mourner
3. Who is David's chief counselor?
Answer: Ahithophel
4. Who warned Paul of the plot against him? Answer: His nephew
5. Who was the governor that heard the council's case against Paul?
Answer: Felix
6. What did Felix feel when Paul told him of Christ?
Answer: Fear
7. How many days after birth is circumcision performed according to the Laws of Moses?
Answer: Eight
8. Who must we become like to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Answer: Children
9. According to Paul, who is the Head of the church?
Answer: Christ
10. Who was the King that crowned Esther the queen?
Answer: Ahasuerus
11. To create the plague of frogs, who stretched his rod over the waters of Egypt?
Answer: Aaron
12. What is the second book of the Bible?
Answer: Exodus
13. Which city mentioned in Revelation is also an American city?
Answer: Philadelphia
14. Who did God say would worship at the feet of the angel of the Church of Philadelphia?
Answer: The false Jews of the synagogue of Satan
15. What happened when the crew threw Jonah overboard?
Answer: The storm calmed
16. Where was the book of 2 Timothy written?
Answer: Rome
17. Who said, "The time of my departure is at hand"?
Answer: Paul
18. What animal is slain for the feast of Passover?
Answer: The lamb
19. Which plague of Egypt fell from the sky?
Answer: Hail
20. What was Moses" sister's name?
Answer: Miriam

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