Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Finish this phrase: We are not saved by our own works; we are saved by ____ ?
Answer: Grace
2. David used what to kill Goliath?
Answer: A sling and a stone
3. What are the bread and wine Jesus served the disciples at the Last Supper?
Answer: Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Jesus Christ
4. Why is Easter considered the most important Christian celebration?
Answer: The Resurrection means that God's promise to save His people (Salvation) is fulfilled.
5. Even though he promised Jesus he would die for him, what did Peter do when Jesus was arrested?
Answer: He denied that he knew Jesus three times.
6. Who was the first murder victim?
Answer: Abel
7. Where did the term "the kiss of death" come from?
Answer: The signal that Judas used to betray Jesus (he kissed Jesus on the cheek).

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