Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. True or False, the word "Easter" appears in the Old Testament?
Answer: FALSE
2. The Easter sunrise service, a distinctive Protestant observance in North America, comes from what Biblical event?
Answer: A reenactment of Mary Magdalene's visit to Jesus' tomb on the morning of his Resurrection
3. Who is the man that wanted to kill baby Jesus?
Answer: King Herod
4. How many books of poetry are in the Old Testament?
Answer: Five
5. Ten men with what condition were healed by Jesus? Answer: Leprosy
6. In the book of Genesis, God did what to Adam and Eve when he found that they had sinned?
Answer: He expelled them
7. What was the animal Satan appeared as to Eve in the book of Genesis?
Answer: Serpent
8. Which book tells of seven seals and seven trumpets?
Answer: Revelation
9. What does "Epistle" mean?
Answer: Letter
10. Jesus said, what is the greatest display of love?
Answer: That a man would lay down his life for a friend
11. Which prophet had to lay on his left side for six months?
Answer: Ezekiel
12. What was the name of the demon who possessed the man in the tomb?
Answer: Legion
13. What happened to Joseph when he refused to sin with his master's wife?
Answer: He was put in jail
14. What is it called to have an unusual happening that goes against the laws of nature?
Answer: Miracles
15. In the book of Job, dinosaurs are called what?
Answer: Behemoths
16. Which Pharisee had a private meeting with Jesus at night?
Answer: Nicodemus
17. Which chapter of Hebrews tells of great heroes of faith?
Answer: Hebrews 11
18. Which book tells of Paul's conversion?
Answer: Acts
19. Isaiah lived in which city?
Answer: Jerusalem
20. Which country was Ahab the king of?
Answer: Israel

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