Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. What is the area of Palestine where the tribe of Judah lived after the exile?
Answer: Judea
2. Who is the Savior?
Answer: Jesus Christ
3. What is the last book in the New Testament?
Answer: Revelation
4. On which day did Jesus rise from the dead?
Answer: The third day
5. Which men came from the East to worship Jesus after he was born?
Answer: The Magi
6. Which group was the ruling council of the Jews who plotted to kill Jesus?
Answer: The Sanhedrin
7. The Bible has how many divisions and sections?
Answer: Eight
8. Which prophet was called by the Lord as a boy and anointed Saul as Israel's first king?
Answer: Samuel
9. What is a violation of God's law called?
Answer: Sin
10. Which two rivers border Eden in modern-day Iraq?
Answer: Tigress and Euphrates
11. Which apostle walked on water?
Answer: Peter
12. When was the Trinity revealed?
Answer: At Jesus' baptism
13. At which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Mount Sinai
14. Who is the mother of all living?
Answer: Eve
15. What did Pilate ask Jesus when he was arrested?
Answer: Are you the King of the Jews?
16. Where is the birthplace of Paul, also known as Saul? This is now located in modern-day Turkey.
Answer: Tarsus
17. What is the name of a person called by God to speak for Him?
Answer: A prophet
18. How do we give thanks in memory of Jesus?
Answer: The Lord's Supper
19. God's forgiveness provides what to all people?
Answer: Salvation
20. In which town did Jesus drive an evil spirit out of a man who called him the Holy One of God?
Answer: Capernaum

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