Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. In which town did Jesus meet the woman at Jacob's well?
Answer: Sychar
2. What do you drink from to have eternal life?
Answer: Living Water
3. Crafted by Aaron, the Israelites worshipped what idol while Moses was away?
Answer: The Golden Calf
4. What was the first town where Jesus began his ministry and was rejected?
Answer: Nazareth
5. Who cut off the ear of the high priest?
Answer: Peter
6. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: "Jesus wept."
7. At what age did Jesus start his ministry?
Answer: 30
8. What miracle did Jesus perform on the Sabbath?
Answer: Healing the man who was born blind
9. How many books did Paul write?
Answer: 13
10. King Herod promised what to his daughter on his birthday?
Answer: John the Baptist's head
11. What Roman Governor presided over Judea during the trial of Jesus?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
12. In 2 Kings 7, who sacked the Syrian camp?
Answer: Lepers
13. In 2 Kings 8, how long is the famine that Elisha prophesizes?
Answer: 7 Years
14. How is Jezebel killed?
Answer: She is thrown from a window.
15. How many sons did Ahab have in Samaria?
Answer: 70
16. How many blemishes was a sacrificial beast allowed to have?
Answer: Zero
17. If a person sinned ignorantly at the time of Moses, what happened to them?
Answer: They had to sacrifice something
18. How many years did Sarah live?
Answer: 127
19. Who does God tell Abraham to sacrifice to prove his loyalty to Him?
Answer: Isaac
20. What is the name of the well that Abraham and Abimelach quarrel over?
Answer: Beersheba

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