Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Who inspired the people to write the Bible?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
2. Who is called our Father of Faith?
Answer: Abraham
3. Where do we read the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: 1 Corinthians 12:8-11
4. Why did the man who had to be lowered through the roof want to be healed?
Answer: He was paralyzed
5. Who is the patron saint for lost items?
Answer: St. Anthony
6. What is another name for reconciliation?
Answer: Confession
7. How many disciples are there?
Answer: 12
8. What happened to Lots wife when she looked back at the city of Sodom?
Answer: She turned into a pillar of salt
9. Out of the mouth of which animal did a coin appear in the book of Matthew?
Answer: Fish
10. As the Israelites were marching, which animal approached them and had a discussion?
Answer: A donkey
11. How did Ehud lose his knife?
Answer: He stuck it into the King's fat, and the fat consumed it
12. Which animal were men mauled by when they insulted Elisha?
Answer: Bears
13. Men were mauled by bears when they insulted Elisha for what?
Answer: Being bald
14. How did the Holy Spirit descend onto the apostles during Pentecost?
Answer: In a flaming fire
15. What is Pentecost?
Answer: When the Holy Spirit descended onto the apostles in flaming fire to give them the gifts, thus proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
16. What is the sacrament in which we first become children of God?
Answer: Baptism
17. Who was the boy who killed a giant?
Answer: David
18. What does "Eve" mean?
Answer: Mother of all living
19. Why is Easter celebrated?
Answer: It is the day of Jesus Christ's Resurrection
20. Which Queen visited King Solomon because she had heard of his fame? Answer: The Queen of Sheba
Answer: Queen pof Sheba

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