Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Who was the last king Daniel served under in the Bible?
Answer: Darius
2. When Daniel prayed to God after it was not allowed, where was he thrown into?
Answer: The lion's den
3. What were Daniel's three friends (Babylonian names)?
Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
4. When they refused to bow to an idol, where were they thrown?
Answer: Into a fiery furnace
5. Who returned to Israel to build up the walls of Jerusalem?
Answer: Nehemiah
6. What Israelite saved her people from being murdered and was a wife of the king?
Answer: Esther
7. What daring thing did Esther do to talk with the king?
Answer: Went in to talk without being summoned first
8. Who let the Israelites return to their homeland?
Answer: Cyrus
9. Who eventually came from the lineage of David?
Answer: Jesus Questions about the Life of Jesus
10. Who was Jesus human mother?
Answer: Mary
11. Who was Jesus' adoptive father on Earth?
Answer: Joseph
12. Who was Jesus' birth father?
Answer: God the Holy Spirit see Matt 1:20
13. Name the city where Jesus was born?
Answer: Bethlehem
14. Where did Jesus' family go when Herod wanted to harm him as baby?
Answer: Egypt True or False: Because Jesus was God, he didn't obey his parents' rules.
15. How many of Jesus' brothers are named in the Bible?
Answer: Four
16. How many of Jesus' sisters are named in the Bible?
Answer: None
17. Name one of Jesus' brothers?
Answer: James, Joseph, Simon and Judas
18. Who was Jesus most famous cousin?
Answer: John the Baptist True or False: John the Baptist wore clothes made of goat hair?
19. Who baptized Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptist
20. Who spoke from the sky when Jesus was baptized?
Answer: God

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