Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. How many times did David spare Saul's life?
Answer: Twice
2. Where did David spare Saul's life the first time?
Answer: In a cave
3. Where did David spare Saul's life the second time?
Answer: In the camp where Saul was sleeping
4. What last judge of Israel died after Saul made a temporary peace with David?
Answer: Samuel
5. Where did David go after Saul continued to hunt him?
Answer: The Land of the Philistines/ Philistia
6. Where did Saul turn to for advice when he couldn't sense God's will?
Answer: A witch
7. What prophet did he ask to speak to?
Answer: Samuel
8. How did Saul die?
Answer: Fell on his own sword
9. How many of his sons died in the same battle?
Answer: All of them Questions about King David's Reign
10. Did all of Israel immediately consider David their king?
Answer: No
11. Who was David's captain of his army?
Answer: Joab
12. When David stayed in Jerusalem, what woman did he see and commit adultery with?
Answer: Bathsheba
13. Who was Bathsheba's husband?
Answer: Uriah
14. When Bathsheba got pregnant, what did David make happen to Uriah?
Answer: He was killed in battle
15. What prophet came to rebuke David?
Answer: Nathan
16. What happened to Bathsheba's child?
Answer: The child died
17. When Bathsheba had another child, what did they name him?
Answer: Solomon
18. Who was David's son that started a rebellion against him?
Answer: Absalom
19. What capital city did David abandon as Absalom came towards it?
Answer: Jerusalem
20. When the two armies battled, what happened to Absalom's hair?
Answer: It got caught in a tree

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