Bible Q & A

Click any question to reveal its answer.

1. Who killed Absalom?
Answer: Joab
2. Because he killed Absalom, what was Joab's punishment?
Answer: He was not captain anymore
3. What was David's second sin recorded in the Bible?
Answer: He took a census of the people in his nation
4. During his time as king, who was David's main enemy?
Answer: Philistines
5. Which books of the Bible record David's time as king?
Answer: 1st and 2nd Samuel
6. Which book did David write most of?
Answer: Psalms Questions about the Later History of Israel
7. Who was David's son that became king?
Answer: Solomon
8. What trait did Solomon pray for from God?
Answer: Wisdom
9. What did Solomon build for the Lord?
Answer: A temple
10. What famous queen came to visit Solomon?
Answer: Queen of Sheba
11. How many wives did Solomon have?
Answer: 700
12. Did Solomon always follow the Lord?
Answer: No. He turned from God.
13. Who convinced Solomon to turn from God?
Answer: His wives
14. What happened to the kingdom after Solomon's rule?
Answer: It split in two
15. Which books of the Bible record all the kings?
Answer: 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles
16. Which books of the Bible did Solomon write?
Answer: Song of Solomon and Proverbs and some Psalms
17. How many kings of Judah were there?
Answer: 20
18. How many kings of Israel were there?
Answer: 19
19. Who conquered Judah and took Daniel to their country?
Answer: Babylonians
20. Whose dream did Daniel interpret in - Babylon?
Answer: King Nebuchadnezzar

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