
Qumran Caves: Cave 6

The Dead Sea Scrolls, (a.k.a. Qumran Caves Scrolls), are ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves on the north-western shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD, they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons. They also cast light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. Almost all of the scrolls and scroll fragments are housed in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

This table provides informational links on the documents found in Cave 6.

Qumran Cave 6

Fragment or scroll identifier Fragment or scroll name Alternative identifier English Bible Association Language Date/script Description Reference
6QpaleoGen Genesis 6Q1 Genesis 6:13–21 Hebrew Early Hellenistic; Palaeo-Hebrew script [382][383]
6QpaleoLev Leviticus 6Q2 Leviticus 8:12–13 Hebrew Early Hellenistic; Palaeo-Hebrew script [382][384]
pap6QDeut or 6QpapDeut(?) Deuteronomy 6Q3 Deuteronomy 26:19 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman A few letters of Deuteronomy 26:19 on papyrus [382][46][385]
6QpapKgs Kings 6Q4 1 Kings 3:12–14; 12:28–31; 22:28–31; 2 Kings 5:26; 6:32; 7:8–10,20; 8:1–5; 9:1–2; 10:19–21 Hebrew Hasmonean Made up of 94 Fragments. [382][386]
pap6QPs or 6QpapPs(?) Psalms 6Q5 Psalm 78:36–37 Hebrew Herodian [387][388]
6QCant Song of Songs 6Q6 Song of Songs 1:1–7 Hebrew Herodian [387][389]
6QpapDan Daniel 6Q7 Daniel 8:20–21; 10:8–16; 11:33–36,38; 8:16–17 Hebrew Herodian 13 papyrus fragments. [387][390]
6QpapGiants or pap6QEnGiants Book of Giants from Enoch 6Q8 Aramaic Herodian Part of the "Book of Giants" [387][391]
6Qpap apocrSam-Kgs or pap6QapocrSam/Kgs Apocryphon on SamuelKings 6Q9 Hebrew Hasmonean Samuel–Kings apocryphon. Written on papyrus. [387][392]
6QpapaProph or pap6QProph Unidentified prophetic fragment 6Q10 Hebrew Hasmonean Prophetic text. Written in papyrus [387][393]
6QAllegory Allegory of the Vine 6Q11 Hebrew Herodian Fragment containing an Allegory mentioning a vine [387][394]
6QapProph An apocryphal prophecy 6Q12 Herodian [387][395]
6QPriestProph Priestly Prophecy 6Q13 Herodian A priestly prophecy [387][396]
6Q Apocalypse Apocalyptic text 6Q14 Aramaic Herodian Two fragments with apocalyptic text [387][397]
6QD Damascus Document 6Q15 Hebrew Herodian Damascus Document 4:19–21; 5:13–14,18–21; 6:1–2,20–21; 7:1 [387][398]
6QpapBened or pap6QBen papBenediction 6Q16 Herodian Blessings related 1QSb. On papyrus [399][400]
6QCalDoc Calendrical Document 6Q17 Herodian Calendric fragment [399][401]
pap6QHymn Hymn 6Q18 Herodian Fragment of a hymn, related to 1QM [399][402]
6Q Text Related to Genesis Genesis 6Q19 Possibly from Genesis Aramaic Herodian Related to Genesis 10:6,20 [399][403]
6QDeut(?) Deuteronomy 6Q20 Possibly from Deuteronomy Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Related to Deuteronomy 11:10 [399][404]
6QfrgProph or 6Q Prophetic Text Possibly prophetic text 6Q21 Hebrew Herodian Prophetic fragment containing 5 words. [399][405]
pap6QUnidA Unclassified fragments 6Q22 Hebrew Herodian [399][406]
pap6QUnidA ar Unclassified fragments 6Q23 Aramaic Herodian Related to "Words of the Book of Michael" [399][407]
6QUnidB Unclassified fragments 6Q24 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [399][408]
6QUnidB Unclassified fragments 6Q25 Aramaic Herodian [399][409]
6QUnidB or 6QpapAccount or Contract Accounts or contracts 6Q26 Aramaic Hellenistic-Roman [399][410]
6QUnidB Unclassified fragments 6Q27–6Q28 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [399]
6QpapProv Proverbs 6Q30 Proverbs 11:4b–7a,10b Hebrew Roman Single six-line fragment [399][411]
6QUnidB Unclassified fragments 6Q31 Aramaic Herodian [399][412]