
Qumran Caves: Cave 4

The Dead Sea Scrolls, (a.k.a. Qumran Caves Scrolls), are ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves on the north-western shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD, they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons. They also cast light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. Almost all of the scrolls and scroll fragments are housed in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

This table provides informational links on the documents found in Cave 4.

Qumran Cave 4

Fragment or scroll identifier Fragment or scroll name Alternative identifier English Bible Association Language Date/script Description Reference
4QGen-Exoda GenesisExodus 4Q1 Genesis 8:20–21; Exodus 1–4; 5:3–17; 6:4–21,25; 7:5–13,15–20; 8:20–22; 9:8; 22:14; 27:38–39,42–43; 34:17–21 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments from Genesis to Numbers [130][133]
4QGenb Genesis 4Q2 Genesis 1:1–27; 2:14–19; 4:2–4; 5:13 Hebrew Roman Fragment of Genesis [130][134]
4QGenc 4Q3 Genesis 40–41 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Genesis [130][135]
4QGend 4Q4 Genesis 1:18–27 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Genesis on the Beginning of Creation [130][136]
4QGene 4Q5 Genesis 36–37; 40–43; 49 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Genesis [130][137]
4QGenf 4Q6 Genesis 48:1–11 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Genesis [130][138]
4QGeng 4Q7 Genesis 1:1–11,13–22; 2:6–7 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Genesis about Creation [130][139]
4QGenh/4QGenh1 4Q8 Genesis 1:8–10 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Genesis about the beginning to early mankind. [140][141]
4QGenh2 4Q8a Genesis 2:17–18 [140][142]
4QGenh-para 4Q8b Genesis 12:4–5 A paraphrase of Genesis [140][143]
4QGenh-title 4Q8c Genesis The title of a Genesis manuscript [140][144]
4QGenj 4Q9 Genesis 41–43; 45 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Genesis [140][145]
4QGenk 4Q10 Genesis 1:9,14–16,27–28; 2:1–3; 3:1–2 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Genesis [140][146]
4QpaleoGen-Exodl Paleo-Genesis/Exodus 4Q11 Genesis 50:26; Exodus 1:1–5; 2:10,22–25; 3:1–4,17–21; 8:13–15, 19–21; 9:25–29, 33–35; 10:1–5; 11:4–10; 12:1–11, 42–46; 14:15–24; 16:2–7, 13–14,18–20,23–25,26–31,33–35; 17:1–3,5–11; 18:17–24; 19:24–25; 20:1–2; 22:23–24; 23:5–16; 25:7–20; 26:29–37; 27:1, 6–14; 28:33–35,40–42; 36:34–36 Hebrew Hasmonean; Paleo-Hebrew script Fragments of Genesis and Exodus [140][147]
4QpaleoGenm Paleo-Genesis 4Q12 Genesis 26:21–28; Exodus 6:25–30; 7:1–19,29; 8:1,5,12–26; 9:5–16,19–21,35; 10:1–12,19–28; 11:8–10; 12:1–2,6–8,13–15,17–22,31–32,34–39; 13:3–7,12–13; 14:3–5,8–9,25–26; 15:23–27; 16:1,4–5,7–8,31–35; 17:1–16; 18:1–27; 19:1,7–17,23–25; 20:1,18–19; 21:5–6, 13–14,22–32; 22:3–4,6–7,11–13,16–30; 23:15–16,19–31; 24:1–4,6–11; 25:11–12,20–29,31–34; 26:8,15,21–30; 27:1–3,9–14,18–19; 28:3–4,8–12,22–24,26–28,30–43; 29:1–5,20,22–25,31–41; 30:10,12–18,29–31,34–38; 31:1–8,13–15; 32:2–19,25–30; 33:12–23; 34:1–3,10–13,15–18,20–24,27–28; 35:1; 36:21–24; 37:9–16 Hebrew Hasmonean; Paleo-Hebrew script Fragment from Genesis [140][148]
4QExodb Exodus 4Q13 Exodus 1:1–6,16–12; 2:2–18; 3:13 – 4:8; 5:3–14 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Exodus about Slavery in Egypt [140][149]
4QExodc 4Q14 Exodus 7:17–19,20–23; 7:26 – 8:1; 8:5–14,16–18,22; 9:10–11,15–20,22–25,27–35; 10:1–5,7–9,12–19,23–24; 11:9–10; 12:12–16,31–48; 13:18 – 14:3; 14:3–13; 17:1 – 18:12 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Exodus [140][150]
4QExodd 4Q15 Exodus 13:15–16 followed directly by 15:1 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Exodus about the Passover and a Hymn [140][151][152]
4QExode 4Q16 Exodus 13:3–5,15–16 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Exodus about the Passover and a Hymn [140][150]
4QExod-Levf ExodusLeviticus 4Q17 Exodus 38:18–22; 39:3–19, 20–24; 40:8–27; Leviticus 1:13–15, 17–2:1 Hebrew Early Hellenistic Fragments of Exodus and Leviticus [153][154]
4QExodg Exodus 4Q18 Exodus 14:21–27 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Exodus [153][155]
4QExodh 4Q19 Exodus 6:3–6 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Exodus [153][156]
4QExodj 4Q20 Exodus 7:28–8:2 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Exodus [153][157]
4QExodk 4Q21 Exodus 36:9–10 Hebrew Roman Fragments of Exodus [153][158]
4QpaleoExodm (olim 4QExα) Paleo-Exodus 4Q22 Exodus 6:25–7:19,29–8:1,[5],12–22; 9:5–16, 19–21, 35–10:12, 19–28; 11:8–12:2,6–8, 13–15, 17–22, 31–32, 34–39; 13:3–8, 12–13; ... 37:9–16 Hebrew Hasmonean; Paleo-Hebrew script Fragments of Exodus; [159][153]
4QLev-Numa LeviticusNumbers 4Q23 Leviticus 13:32–33; 14:22–34, 40–54; 15:10–11, 19–24; 16:15–29;... 27:5–13;...35:4–5 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Leviticus [153][160]
4QLevb Leviticus 4Q24 Leviticus 1:11–17; 2:1–15; 3:1, 8–14; 21:17–20, 24; 22:1–33; 23:1–25, 40; 24:2–23; 25:28–29, 45–49, 51–52 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Leviticus [161][162]
4QLevc 4Q25 Leviticus 1:1–7; 3:16–4:6, 12–14, 23–28; 5:12–13; 8:26–28 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Fragments of Leviticus [163][164]
4QLevd 4Q26 Leviticus 14:27–29, 33–36; 15:20–24; 17:2–11 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Fragments of Leviticus [163][165]
4QLeve 4Q26a Leviticus 2:4–6, 11–18; 3:2–4,5–8; 19:34–37; 20:1–3, 27–21:4, 9–12, 21–24; 22:4–6, 11–17 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Fragments of Leviticus [89][163]
4QLevg 4Q26b Leviticus 7:19–26 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Fragments of Leviticus [89][163]
4QNumb Numbers 4Q27 Numbers 11:31–12:11; 13:7–24; 15:41–16:11, 14–16; 17:12–17; 18:25–19:6; 20:12–13,16–17,19–29; 21:1–2,12–13; 22:5–21, 31–34, 37–38, 41–23:6,13–15,21–22, 27–24:10; 25:4–8,16–18; 26:1–5,7–10,12,14–34,62–27:5,7–8,10,18–19,21–23; 28:13–17,28,30–31; 29:10–13,16–18,26–30; 30:1–3,5–9,15–16; 31:2–6, 21–25, 30–33,35–36,38,43–44,46–32:1,7–10,13–17,19,23–30,35,37–39,41; 33:1–4,23,25,28,31,45,47–48,50–52; 34:4–9,19–21,23; 35:3–5,12,14–15,18–25,27–28, 33–36:2,4–7 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Numbers. A few lines are written in red ink [163][166]
4QDeuta Deuteronomy 4Q28 Deuteronomy 23:26–24:8 Hebrew 175–150 BCE

Transitional: Archaic to Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][163][167]
4QDeutb 4Q29 Deuteronomy 29:24–27; 30:3–14; 31:9–17,24–30, 32:1–3 Hebrew 150–100 BCE

Early Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][163][168]
4QDeutc 4Q30 Deuteronomy 3:25–26; 4:13–17,31–32; 7:3–4; 8:1–5; 9:11–12, 17–19,29; 10:1–2,5–8; 11:2–4,9–13,18–19; 12:18–19,26,30–31; 13:5–7,11–12,16; 15:1–5,15–19; 16:2–3,5–11,20–17:7,15–18:1; 26:19— 27:2,24–28:14,18–20,22–25,29–30,48–50,61; 29:17–19; 31:16–19; 32:3 Hebrew 150–100 BCE


Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][169]
4QDeutd 4Q31 Deuteronomy 2:24–33; 3:14–29; 4:1 Hebrew 124–75 BCE

Middle Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeute 4Q32 Deuteronomy 3:24; 7:12–16,21–26; 8:1–16 Hebrew 50–25 BCE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeutf 4Q33 Deuteronomy 4:23–27; 7:22–26; 8:2–14; 9:6–7; 17:17–18; 18:6–10,18–22; 19:17–21; 20:1–6; 21:4–12; 22:12–19; 23:21–26; 24:2–7; 25:3–9; 26:18–27:10 Hebrew 75–50 BCE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeutg 4Q34 Deuteronomy 9:12–14; 23:18–20; 24:16–22; 25:1–5,14–19; 26:1–5; 28:21–25,27–29 Hebrew 1–25 CE

Middle Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeuth 4Q35 Deuteronomy 1:1–17,22–23,29–41,43–2:6,28–30; 19:21; 31:9–11; 33:9–22 Hebrew 50–1 BCE

Transitional: Hasmonean to Early Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeuti 4Q36 Deuteronomy 20:9–13; 21:23; 22:1–9; 23:6–8, 12–16, 22–26; 24:1 Hebrew 100–50 BCE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeutj 4Q37 Exodus 12:43–44, 46–51; 13:1–5; Deuteronomy 5:1–11, 13–15, 21–33; 6:1–3; 8:5–10; 11:6–10, 12–13; 30:17–18; 32:7–8 Hebrew 50 CE

Late Herodian

Fragments of Exodus and Deuteronomy [46][170]
4QDeutk1 4Q38 Deuteronomy 5:28–31; 11:6–13; 32:17–18, 22–23, 25–27 Hebrew 30–1 BCE

Early Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170][171]
4QDeutk2 4Q38a Deuteronomy 19: 8–16; 20: 6–19; 21:16; 23:22–26; 24:1–3; 25:19; 26:1–5, 18–19; 27:1 Hebrew 30–1 BCE

Early Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][170][171]
4QDeutk3 4Q38b Deuteronomy 30: 16–18 Hebrew 50 CE

Late Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [172][171]
4QDeutl 4Q39 Deuteronomy 10:1,14–15; 28:67–68; 29:2–5; 31:12; 33:1–2; 34:4–6,8 Hebrew 50 CE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy about choosing Life or Death [46][172]
4QDeutm 4Q40 Deuteronomy 3:18–22; 4:32–33; 7:18–22 Hebrew 50–1 BCE

Transitional: Hasmonean to Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][172]
4QDeutn All Souls Deuteronomy 4Q41 Deuteronomy 5:1–33; 6:1; 8:5–10 Hebrew 30–1 BCE

Early Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][172]
4QDeuto Deuteronomy 4Q42 Deuteronomy 2:8; 4:30–34; 5:1–5, 8–9; 28:15–18, 33–36, 47–52, 58–62; 29:22–25 Hebrew 75–50 BCE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][172]
4QDeutp 4Q43 Deuteronomy 6:4–11 Hebrew 75–50 BCE

Late Hasmonean

Fragments of Deuteronomy about Loving God [46][172]
4QDeutq 4Q44 Deuteronomy 32:9–10, 37–43 Hebrew 50 BCE–25 CE

Late Hasmonean or Early Herodian

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][172]
4QpaleoDeutr Paleo-Deuteronomy 4Q45 Deuteronomy 7:2–7, 16–25; 11:28,30–12:1,11–12; 13:19; 14:19–22, 26–29; 15:5–6, 8–10; 19:2–3; 21:8–9; 22:3–6,12–15; 28:15–18, 20; 30:7–8; 32:2–8,10–11,13–14, 33–35; 33:2–8, 29; 34:1–2 Hebrew 100–25 BCE

Paleo-Hebrew script

Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][172]
4QpaleoDeuts 4Q46 Deuteronomy 26:14–15 Hebrew 250–200 BCE

Archaic Paleo-Hebrew script

Fragments of Deuteronomy about giving Tithes [46][172]
4QJosha Joshua 4Q47 Joshua 8:34–35; 5:?,2–7; 6:5–10; 7:12–17; 8:3–14, 18?; 10:2–5, 8–11. Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Joshua [172][173]
4QJoshb 4Q48 Joshua 2:11–12; 3:15–16; 4:1–3; 17:11–15 [174][175]
4QJudga Judges 4Q49 Judges 6:2–6, 11–13 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Judges [176][177]
4QJudgb 4Q50 Judges 19:5–7; 21:12–25 [176][178]
4QSama Samuel 4Q51 1 Samuel 1:9, 11–13, 17–18, 22–26, 28; 2:1–10,16–36; 3:1–4,18–21; 4:9–12; 5:8–12; 6:1–7,12–13,16–18,20–21; 7:1; 8:9–20; 9:6–8,11–12,16–24; 10:3–18,25–27; 11:1,7–12; 12:7–8,14–19; 14:24–25,28–34,47–51; 15:24–32; 17:3–6; 24:4–5,8–9,14–23; 25:3–12,20–21,25–26,39–40; 26:10–12,21–23; 27:8–12; 28:1–2,22–25; 30:28–30; 31:2–4; 2 Samuel 2:5–16,25–27,29–32; 3:1–8,23–39; 4:1–4,9–12; 5:1–3,6–16; 6:2–9,12–18; 7:23–29; 8:2–8; 10:4–7,18–19; 11:2–12,16–20; 12:4–5,8–9,13–20,30–31; 13:1–6,13–34,36–39; 14:1–3,18–19; 15:1–6,27–31; 16:1–2,11–13,17–18,21–23; 18:2–7,9–11; 19:7–12; 20:2–3,9–14,23–26; 21:1–2,4–6,15–17; 22:30–51; 23:1–6; 24:16–20 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel [176][179]
4QSamb 4Q52 1 Samuel 16:1–11; 19:10–17; 20:27–42; 21:1–10; 23:9–17 Hebrew Early Hellenistic Fragments of 1 Samuel [176][180]
4QSamc 4Q53 1 Samuel 25:30–32; 2 Samuel 14:7–33; 15:1–15 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel [176][181]
4QKgs Kings 4Q54 1 Kings 7:31–41; 8:1–9,16–18 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of 1 Kings [176][182]
4QIsaa Isaiah 4Q55 Isaiah 1:1–3; 2:7–10; 4:5–6; 6:4–7; 11:12–15; 12:4–6; 13:4–6; 17:9–14; 19:9–14; 20:1–6; 21:1–2,4–16; 22:13–25; 23:1–12 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Isaiah [183][184]
4QIsab 4Q56 Isaiah 1:1–6; 2:3–16; 3:14–22; 5:15–28; 9:10–11; 11:7–9; 12:2; 13:3–18; 17:8–14; 18:1,5–7; 19:1–25; 20:1–4; 21:11–14; 22:24–25; 24:2; 26:1–5,7–19; 35:9–10; 36:1–2; 37:2932; 39:1–8; 40:1–4,22–26; 41:8–11; 43:12–15; 44:19–28; 45:20–25; 46:1–3; 49:21–23; 51:14–16; 52:2,7; 53:11–12; 61:1–3; 64:5–11; 65:1; 66:24 Hebrew Herodian [183][185]
4QIsac 4Q57 Isaiah 9:3–12; 10:23–32; 11:4–11,15–16; 12:1; 14:1–5,13; 22:10–14; 23:8–18; 24:1–15,19–23; 25:1–2,8–12; 30:8–17; 33:2–8,16–23; 45:1–4,6–13; 48:10–13,17–19; 50:7–11; 51:1–16; 52:10–15; 53:1–3,6–8; 54:3–17; 55:1–6; 66:20–24 Hebrew [183][186]
4QIsad 4Q58 Isaiah 46:10–13; 47:1–6,8–9; 48:8–22; 49:1–15; 52:4–7; 53:8–12; 54:1–11; 57:9–21; 58:1–3,5–7 Hebrew [183][187]
4QIsae 4Q59 Isaiah 2:1–4; 7:17–20; 8:2–14; 9:17–20; 10:1–10; 11:14–15; 12:1–6; 13:1–4; 14:1–13,20–24; 59:15–16 Hebrew [183][188]
4QIsaf 4Q60 Isaiah 1:10–16,18–31; 2:1–3; 5:13–14, 25; 6:3–8,10–13; 7:16–18,23–25; 8:1,4–11; 20:4–6; 22:14–22,25; 24:1–3; 27:1,5–6,8–12; 28:6–9,16–18,22,24; 29:8 Hebrew Hasmonean [183][189]
4QIsag 4Q61 Isaiah 42:14–25; 43:1–4,17–24 Hebrew Herodian [183][190]
4QIsah 4Q61 Isaiah 42:4–11 Hebrew Herodian [183]
4QIsai 4Q62 Isaiah 56:7–8; 57:5–8 Hebrew Hasmonean [191][192]
4QIsaj 4Q63 Isaiah 1:1–6 Hebrew Herodian [191][193]
4QIsak 4Q64 Isaiah 28:26–29:9 Hebrew Hasmonean [191][194]
4QIsal 4Q65 Isaiah 7:14–15; 8:11–14 Hebrew Hasmonean [191][195]
4QIsam 4Q66 Isaiah 60:20–61:1,3–6 Hebrew Hasmonean [191][196]
4QIsan Isaiah 4Q67 Isaiah 58:13–14 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Isaiah, including elements on punishment (4Q67) and God's blessings for his people (4Q67, 4Q69a). [191][197]
4QIsao 4Q68 Isaiah 14:28–15:2 [191][198]
4QIsap 4Q69 Isaiah 5:28–30 Hebrew Hasmonean [191][199][200]
4QIsaq 4Q69a Isaiah 54:10–13 [191][200]
4QIsar 4Q69b Isaiah 30:23 [191][200]
4QJera Jeremiah 4Q70 Jeremiah 6:30?, 7:1–2, 15–19, 28–9:2, 7–15; 10:9–14, 23; 11:3–6, 19–20; 12:3–7, 13–16, 17; 13:1–7, 22–23? [or 22:3], 27; 14:4–7; 15:1–2; 17:8–26; 18:15–23; 19:1; 20:14–18; 21:1?; 22:3–16; 26:10? Hebrew 200 BCE – 1 BCE Fragments of Jeremiah [191][201][202]
4QJerb 4Q71 Jeremiah 9:22–25; 10:1–21 [201][202][203]
4QJerc 4Q72 Jeremiah 4:5, 13–16; 8:1–3, 21–23; 9:1–5; 10:12–13; 19:8–9; 20:2–5, 7–9, 13–15; 21:7–10; 22:4–6, 10–28; 25:7–8,15–17, 24–26; 26:10–13; 27:1–3, 13–15; 30:6–9, [10–17], 17–24; 31:1–14, 19–26; 33:?, 16–20 [201][202][203]
4QJerd (olim 4QJerb) 4Q72a Jeremiah 43:2–10 [201][202][203]
4QJere (olim 4QJerb) 4Q72b Jeremiah 50:4–6 [201][202][203]
4QEzea Ezekiel 4Q73 Ezekiel 10:5–16, 17–22; 11:1–11; 23:14–15, 17–18, 44–47; 41:3–6 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Ezekiel [203][204]
4QEzeb 4Q74 Ezekiel 1:10–13, 16–17, 19–24 [203][205][206]
4QEzec 4Q75 Ezekiel 24:2–3 [203][207]
4QXIIa The Twelve Minor Prophets 4Q76 Zechariah 14:18; Malachi 2:10–3:24; Jonah 1:1–5, 7–2:1, 7; 3:2 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of the Twelve Minor Prophets [203][208]
4QXIIb 4Q77 Zephaniah 1:1–2; 2:13–15; 3:19–20; Haggai 1:1–2; 2:2–4 [203][209]
4QXIIc 4Q78 Hosea 2:13–15; 3:2–4; 4:1–19; 5:1; 7:12–13; 13:3–10, 15; 14:1–6; Joel 1:10–20; 2:1, 8–23; 4:6–21; Amos 1:1?; 2:11–16; 3:1–15; 4:1–2; 6:13–14; 7:1–16; Zephaniah 2:15; 3:1–2; Malachi 3:6–7? [203][210]
4QXIId 4Q79 Hosea 1:6–2:5 [211][212]
4QXIIe 4Q80 Haggai 2:18–19, 20–21; Zechariah 1:4–6, 8–10, 13–15; 2:10–14; 3:2–10; 4:1–4; 5:8–6:5; 8:2–4, 6–7, 12:7–12 [211][213]
4QXIIf 4Q81 Jonah 1:6–8, 10–16; Micah 5:1–2 [211][214]
4QXIIg 4Q82 Hosea 2:1–5,14–19, 22–25; 3:1–5; 4:1, 10–11, 13–14; 6:3–4, 8–11; 7:1, 12–13, 13–16; 8:1; 9:1–4, 9–17; 10:1–14; 11:2–5, 6–11; 12:1–15; 13:1, 6–8?, 11–13; 14:9–10; Joel 1:12–14; 2:2–13 4:4–9, 11–14, 17, 19–20; Amos 1:3–15; 2:1, 7–9, 15–16; 3:1–2; 4:4–9; 5:1–2, 9–18; 6:1–4, 6–14; 7:1, 7–12, 14–17; 8:1–5, 11–14; 9:1, 5–6, 14–15; Obadiah 1–5, 8–12, 14–15; Jonah 1:1–9; 2:3–11; 3:1–3; 4:5–11; Micah 1:7,

12–15; 2:3–4; 3:12; 4:1–2; 5:6–7 (7–8); 7:2–3, 20; Nahum 1:7–9; 2:9–11; 3:1–3, 17; Habakkuk 2:4?; Zephaniah 3:3–5; Zechariah 10:11–12; 11:1–2; 12:1–3

4QPsa Psalms 4Q83 Psalm 5:9–13; 6:1–4; 25:15; 31:24–25; 33:1–12; 35:2,14–20,26–28; 36:1–9; 38:2–12,16–23; 47:2; 53:4–7; 54:1–6; 56:4; 62:13; 63:2–4; 66:16–20; 67:1–7; 69:1–19; 71:1–14 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Psalms. [211][216]
4QPsb 4Q84 Psalm 91:5–8,12–15; 92:4–8,13–15; 93:5; 94:1–4,8–14,17–18,21–22; 96:2; 98:4; 99:5–6; 100:1–2; 102:5,10–29; 103:1–6,9–14,20–21; 112:4–5; 113:1; 115:2–3; 116:17–19; 118:1–3,6–11,18–20,23–26,29 Hebrew Herodian [211][217]
4QPsc & 4QPst[n 1] 4Q85 / 4Q98c Psalm 16:7–9; 18:3–14,16–18,33–41; 27:12–14; 28:1–2,4; 35:27–28; 37:18–19; 45:8–11; 49:1–17; 50:14–23; 51:1–5; 52:6–11; 53:1 Psalm 88:15–17 Hebrew Herodian [211] [218][219][220]
4QPsd 4Q86 Psalm 146:10; 147:1–3,13–17,20; 104:1–5,8–11,14–15,22–25,33–35 Hebrew Hasmonean [221][222]
4QPse 4Q87 Psalm 76:10–12; 77:1; 78:6–7,31–33; 81:2–3; 86:10–11; 88:1–4; 89:44–46,50–53; 104:1–3,20–21; 105:22–24,36–45; 109:13; 115:15–18; 116:1–3; 120:6; 125:2–5; 126:1–5; 129:8; 130:1–3 Hebrew Herodian [221][223]
4QPsf 4Q88 Psalm 22:14–17; 107:2–4,8–11,13–15,18–19,22–30,35; 109:4–6, 25–28; Apostrophe to Zion; Apostrophe to Judah; Eschatological Hymn Hebrew Hasmonean [221][224]
4QPsg 4Q89 Psalm 119:37–43,44–46,49–50,73,81–83,90 Hebrew Herodian [221][225]
4QPsh 4Q90 Psalm 119:10–21 Hebrew Herodian [221][226]
4QPsj 4Q91 Psalm 48:1–7; 49:6,9–12,15,17 Hebrew Herodian [221][227]
4QPsk 4Q92 Psalm 26:7–12; 27:1; 30:9–13; 135:7–16; Hebrew Hasmonean [221][228]
4QPsl 4Q93 Psalm 104:3–5,11–12 Hebrew Herodian [221][229]
4QPsm 4Q94 Psalm 93:3–5; 95:3–6; 97:6–9; 98:4–8 Hebrew Herodian [221][230]
4QPsn 4Q95 Psalm 135:6–9,11–12; 136:23–24 Hebrew Herodian [231][218]
4QPso 4Q96 Psalm 114:7; 115:1–2,4; 116:3, 5, 7–10 Hebrew Herodian [218][232]
4QPsp (olim 4Q237) 4Q97 Psalm 143:2–4, 6–8 Hebrew Herodian [218][233]
4QPsq Psalms 4Q98 Psalm 31:24–25; 33:1–18; 35:4–20 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Psalms, including elements on putting one's hope in God (4Q98d), the earth shaking at the presence of God (4Q98e), the blessings of God's Children and the struggle of the wicked (4Q98f). [218]
4QPsr 4Q98a Psalm 26:7–12; 27:1; 30:9–13 [218][234]
4QPss 4Q98b Psalm 5:8–13; 6:1 [218]
*4QPst (see 4QPsc) *4Q98c Psalm 88:15–17 [218]
4QPsu 4Q98d Psalm 42:5 [218]
4QPsv (olim 4QPsu frg. 2) 4Q98e Psalm 99:1 [218]
4QPsw 4Q98f Psalm 112:1–9 [218]
4QPsx (olim 4Q236) 4Q98g Psalm 89:20–22, 26, 23, 27–28, 31 [218]
4QJoba Job 4Q99 Job 31:14–19; 32:3–4; 33:10–11, 24–26, 28–30; 35:16; 36:7–11, 13–27, 32–33; 37:1–5, 14–15 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Job [235]


4QJobb 4Q100 Job 8:15–17; 9:27; 13:4; 14:4–6; 31:20–21 Herodian [236][237]
4QpaleoJobc Paleo-Job 4Q101 Job 13:18–20, 23–27; 14:13–18 Hebrew Early Hellenistic; Paleo-Hebrew script Fragment of Job [236][238]
4QProva Proverbs 4Q102 Proverbs 1:27–33; 2:1 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Proverbs [236][239]
4QProvb 4Q103 Proverbs 13:6–9; 14:5–10, 12–13, 31–35; 15:1–8, 19–31; 7:9, 11? Hebrew Herodian [236][240]
4QRutha Ruth 4Q104 Ruth 1:1–12 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Ruth [236][241]
4QRuthb 4Q105 Ruth 1:1–6, 12–15 Hebrew Herodian [236][242]
4QCanta Canticles (Song of Songs) 4Q106 Song of Songs 3:4–5, 7–11; 4:1–7; 6:11?–12; 7:1–7 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Pesher on Song of Songs/Canticles, including an introduction (4Q106). [236][243]
4QCantb 4Q107 Song of Songs 2:9–17; 3:1–2, 5, 9–11; 4:1–3, 8–11, 14–16; 5:1 Hebrew Herodian [236][244]
4QCantc 4Q108 Song of Songs 3:7–8 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [236][245]
4QQoha Ecclesiastes 4Q109 Ecclesiastes 5:13–17; 6:1?,3–8,12; 7:1–10,19–20 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Ecclesiastes [246][247]
4QQohb 4Q110 Ecclesiastes 1:10–15 Hebrew Herodian [246][248]
4QLam Lamentations 4Q111 Lamentations 1:1–15, 17, 16, 18; 2:5 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of Lamentations [246][249]
4QDana Daniel 4Q112 Daniel 1:16–20; 2:9–11, 19–49; 3:1–2; 4:29–30; 5:5–7, 12–14, 16–19; 7:5–7, 25–28; 8:1–5; 10:16–20; 11:13–16 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Daniel [246][250]
4QDanb 4Q113 Daniel 5:10–12, 14–16, 19–22; 6:8–22, 27–29; 7:1–6, 11?, 26–28; 8:1–8, 13–16 Hebrew Herodian [246][251]
4QDanc 4Q114 Daniel 10:5–9, 11–16, 21; 11:1–2, 13–17, 25–29 Hebrew Hasmonean [246][252]
4QDand 4Q115 Daniel 3:8–10?, 23–25; 4:5–9, 12–16; 7:15–23 Hebrew Herodian [246][253]
4QDane 4Q116 Daniel 9:12–17 Hebrew Hasmonean [246][254]
4QEzra Ezra 4Q117 Ezra 4:2–6, 9–11; 5:17; 6:1–5 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Ezra-Nehemiah [246][255]
4QChr/4QChron Chronicles 4Q118 2 Chronicles 28:27; 29:1–3 Hebrew Herodian Fragments of 2 Chronicles [246][256]
4QLXXLeva gr Septuagint Leviticus 4Q119 Leviticus 26:2–16 Greek Hasmonean Fragments of Leviticus [257][258]
4QpapLXXLevb/ pap4QLXXLevb gr 4Q120 Leviticus 1:11; 2:3–5, 7–8?; 3:4, 7, 9–14; 4:3–4, 6–8, 10–11, 18–19, 26–28, 30; 5:6, 8–10, 16–24; [6:1–5] Greek Hasmonean 97 fragments of Leviticus. Contains ΙΑΩ for the tetragrammaton [257][259]
4QLXXNumb gr Septuagint Numbers 4Q121 Numbers 3:40–43,50–51?; 4:1?,5–9,11–16; 3:39? Greek Herodian Fragments of Numbers [257][260]
4QLXXDeut gr Septuagint Deuteronomy 4Q122 Deuteronomy 11:4 Greek Early Hellenistic Fragments of Deuteronomy [46][257][261]
4QpaleoparaJosh Paraphrase on Joshua 4Q123 Joshua Hebrew Paleo-Hebrew script "Rewritten Joshua" [257][262]
4QUnid gr Unidentified text 4Q126 Greek Herodian Fragmentary religious text [263][264]
4Qpap paraExod / pap4QParaExod gr Paraphrase on Exodus 4Q127 Exodus Greek Herodian "Rewritten Exodus" [257][265]
4Qphyla Phylactery Scrolls 4Q128 Deuteronomy 5:1–14,27–6:3; 10:12–11:21; Exodus 12:43–13:7 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Fragments of Deuteronomy and Exodus. [46][266][267]
4Qphylb 4Q129 Exodus 13:9–16 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][269]
4Qphylc 4Q130 Exodus 13:13–16; Deuteronomy 6:4–9; 11:13–21 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][270]
4Qphyld 4Q131 Deuteronomy 11:13–21 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][271]
4Qphyle 4Q132 Exodus 13:1–10 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [268][272]
4Qphylf 4Q133 Exodus 13:11–16 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [268][273]
4Qphylg 4Q134 Deuteronomy 5:1–21; Exodus 13:11–12 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][274]
4Qphylh 4Q135 Deuteronomy 5:22–6:5; Exodus 13:14–16 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][275]
4Qphyli 4Q136 Deuteronomy 6:6–7; 11:13–21; Exodus 12:43–13:10 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][268][276]
4Qphylj (olim 4Qphyla) 4Q137 Deuteronomy 5:24–32; 6:2–3 Hebrew [46][268]
4Qphylk 4Q138 Deuteronomy 10:12–11:17 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][278]
4Qphyll 4Q139 Deuteronomy 5:7–24 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][279]
4Qphylm 4Q140 Exodus 12:44–13:10; Deuteronomy 5:33–6:5 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][280]
4Qphyln 4Q141 Deuteronomy 32:14–20, 32–33 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][281]
4Qphylo 4Q142 Deuteronomy 5:1–16, 6:7–9 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][282]
4Qphylp 4Q143 Deuteronomy 10:22–11:3,18–21 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][283]
4Qphylq 4Q144 Exodus 13:4–9; Deuteronomy 11:4–18 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][284]
4Qphylr 4Q145 Exodus 13:1–10 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [277][285]
4QPhyls 4Q146 Deuteronomy 11:19–21 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [46][277][286]
4Qphylt 4Q147 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman Could not be deciphered [277][287]
4Qphylu 4Q148 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [277][288]
4QMeza Mezuzah Scrolls 4Q149 Hebrew Hasmonean Fragments of Exodus and Deuteronomy [289][290]
4QMezb 4Q150 Deuteronomy 6:5–6; 10:14–11:2 Hebrew Herodian [291][292]
4QMezc 4Q151 Deuteronomy 5:27–6:9; 10:12–20 Hebrew Herodian [291][293]
4QMezd 4Q152 Deuteronomy 6:5–7 Hebrew Herodian [291][294]
4QMeze 4Q153 Deuteronomy 11:17–18 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [291][295]
4QMezf 4Q154 Deuteronomy 13:1–4 Hebrew Hasmonean [291][296]
4QMezg 4Q155 Hebrew Hellenistic-Roman [291][297]
4QtgLev Targum of Leviticus 4Q156 Leviticus 16:12–15,18–21 Aramaic Hasmonean Fragments of Leviticus [298][299]
4QtgJob Targum of Job 4Q157 Job 3:5–6; 4:17–5:4 Aramaic Herodian Fragments of Job [298][300][301]
4QRPa Reworked Pentateuch A 4Q158 Genesis 32:25–30; 32:31 ?; Exodus 3:12; 4:27–28; 19:17–23; 24:4–6; 20:12–17,19–21 (Samaritan), 22–26; 21:15–25, 32–37; 22:1–13; 30:32.34; Deuteronomy 5:30–31; 21:1–10 Hebrew Herodian Reworked Pentateuch [46][302][303][304]
4QOrdinancesa Ordinances A 4Q159 Hebrew Herodian Non-biblical composition [304][305]
4QVisSam Vision of Samuel 4Q160 Hebrew Hasmonean Non-biblical composition [304][306]
4QpIsaiaha Pesher on Isaiah 4Q161 Hebrew Herodian Non-biblical composition [307]
4QpIsaiahb 4Q162 Hebrew Herodian Non-biblical composition [308]
4QpHosA Pesher on Hosea A 4Q166 Hebrew Herodian Hosea Commentary Scroll [309][310][311]
4QpHosB Pesher on Hosea B 4Q167 Hebrew Herodian [310][312]
4QpMic(?) Pesher on Micah? 4Q168 Hebrew Herodian Micah Commentary? [310][313]
4QpNah Pesher on Nahum 4Q169 Nahum 1:3–6; 2:12–14; 3:1–5, 6–9, 10–12, 14 Hebrew Herodian Containing the term "The Seekers after Smooth Things" [310][314]
4Q Eschatological Commentary A Florilegium or Midrash on the Last Days 4Q174 2 Samuel 7:10–14 (1 Chronicles 17:9–13); Exodus 15:17–18; Amos 9:11; Psalm 1:1; Isaiah 8:11; Ezekiel 37:23?; Psalm 2:1; Daniel 12:10; 11:32; Deuteronomy 33:8–11, 12, 19–21 Hebrew Herodian Quotations from biblical passages with midrashic commentary [315][316]
4QTest Testimonia 4Q175 Deuteronomy 5:28–29; 18:18–19; 33:8–11

Numbers 24:15–17 Joshua 6:26, quoted in Psalms of Joshua (4Q379, frag. 22)

Hebrew Herodian; Hasmonean script A list of quotations; Messianic Anthology or Testimonia [46][315][317]
4QapocrLamA Apocryphal Lamentations A 4Q179 Lamentations Hebrew Herodian cf. 4Q501 [318]
4Q Horoscope Physiognomies/Horoscopes 4Q186 Hebrew Herodian [319]
4QpapTobita Tobit 4Q196 Tobit Aramaic Hasmonean On Papyrus. cf. 4Q501 [320]
4QTobitb Tobit 4Q197 Tobit Aramaic Herodian cf. 4Q501 [321]
4QTobitc Tobit 4Q198 Tobit Aramaic Hasmonean cf. 4Q501 [322]
4QTobitd Tobit 4Q199 Tobit Aramaic Hasmonean cf. 4Q501 [323]
4QTobite Tobit 4Q200 Tobit Hebrew Herodian cf. 4Q501 [324]
4QEna The Enoch Scroll 4Q201a Aramaic Hasmonean [309][325]
4QALD / 4QLevia-f ar The Aramaic Levi Document (ALD) 4Q213 4Q213a 4Q213b 4Q214 4Q214a 4Q214b Aramaic Hasmonean Multiple compositions [326]
4QTNaph Testament of Naphtali 4Q215 Hebrew Herodian [327][328]
4QCanta(?) Pesher on Canticles/Song of Songs 4Q240 Song of Songs Hebrew Herodian Included in Milik's original list, but this fragment has never been located [329]
4QapocrDan Aramaic Apocalypse or The Son of God Text 4Q246 Aramaic Herodian [330]
4QCommentary on Gen A /4QCommGenA Commentary/Pesher on Genesis 4Q252 Genesis 6:3; 7:10–8:18; 9:24–27; 11:31; 15:9, 17, 17:20?; 18:31–32 (with Deuteronomy 13:16, 17; 20:11, 14); 22:10–12; 28:3–4; 36:12; 49:3–4, 10 (with Jeremiah 33:17), 20–21 Hebrew Herodian Fragments/ commentary of Genesis. [331][332]
4QCommentary on Gen B /4QCommGenB 4Q253 Genesis Hebrew Herodian [331][333]
4QCommentary on Gen C /4QCommGenC 4Q254 Genesis 9:24–25; 22:5?, 17? Hebrew Herodian [331][334]
4QCommentary on Gen D (olim 4QpGenc) 4Q254a–820 Genesis 6:15 Hebrew Herodian [331][335]
4QSd Serekh ha-Yahad or Community Rule 4Q258 Hebrew Herodian cf. 1QSd [336]
4QD The Damascus Document 4Q265–273 Hebrew Hasmonean cf. 4QDa/g = 4Q266/272, 4QDa/e = 4Q266/270, 5Q12, 6Q15, 4Q265–73 [89]
4Q Sefer ha-Milhamah Rule of War 4Q285 Hebrew Herodian cf. 11Q14 [337]
4QMysta The Book of Mysteries
The Book of Secrets
4Q299 Hebrew Herodian [338]
4QMystb 4Q300 Hebrew Herodian [339]
4QMystc The Book of Mysteries
The Book of Secrets
4Q301 Hebrew Herodian [340]
4QRPb Reworked Pentateuch 4Q364 Genesis 25:18–21; 26:7–8; 27:39; 28:6; 29:32–33; 30:8–14,26–36; 31:47–53; 32:18–20,26–30; 34:2; 35:28; 37:7–8; 38:14–21; 44:30–34; 45:1,21–27; 48:14–15; Exodus 21:14–22; 19:17; 24:12–14,18; 25:1–2; 26:1,33–35; Numbers 14:16–20; 33:31–49; 20:17–18; Deuteronomy 2:8–14, 30–37; 3:2,18–23; 9:6–7,12–18, 21–25,27–29; 10:1–4, 6–7, 10–13,22; 11:1–2,6–9,23–24; 14:24–26 Hebrew Late Hasmonean or Herodian Reworked Pentateuch [46][302][341][342]
4QRPc 4Q365 Exodus 8:13–19; 9:9–12; 10:19–20; 14:10,12–21; 15:6-[21],22–26; 17:3–5; 18:13–16; 26:34–36; 28:16–20; 29:20–22; 30:27–38; 31:1–2; 35:[2]–5; 36:32–38; 37:29; 38:1–7; 39:1–19; Leviticus 11:1[3],17-[25],32-[33],[39]-[46]; 13:6–8,15-[19],51–52; 16:6–7; 18:[25]-[29]; 23:42–44; 24:1–2; 25:7–9; 26:17–32; 27:34; Numbers 1:1–5; 3:26–30; 4:47–49; 7:1,78–80; 8:11–12; 9:15–23; 10:1-[4]; 13:[11]–25,[28]–30; 15:26-[29]; 17:20–24; 27:11; 36:1–2; Deuteronomy 2:24; 19:20–21; 20:1 Hebrew Late Hasmonean/ Early Herodian [46][302][343][344]
4QRPd 4Q366 Exodus 21;35–37; 22:1–5; Leviticus 24:20–22; 25:39–43; Numbers 29:14-[25], 32–39; 30:1; Deuteronomy 16:13–14; 14:[13]–21 Hebrew Herodian [46][302][343][345]
4QRPe 4Q367 Leviticus 11:47; 12:1–8; 13:1; 15:14–15; 19:1–4,9–15; 20:13; 27:30–34 Hebrew Hasmonean [302][343][346]
4QapocrJosha Apocryphon of Joshua 4Q378 Hebrew Herodian Texts drawing on the content of Joshua, Exodus and Numbers. [347]
4QapocrJoshb 4Q379 Hebrew Hasmonean [348]
4QpsEzek Pseudo-Ezekiel 4Q385
Hebrew Herodian [349]
4QMMT /4Q Cal.Doc.D Miqsat Ma'ase Ha-Torah or Some Precepts of the Law or the Halakhic Letter 4Q394–399 Hebrew Herodian [350]
4Q Non-Canonical Psalms A Songs of Sabbath Sacrifice or the Angelic Liturgy 4Q400–407 Hebrew Hasmonean cf. 11Q5–6 [351]
4QInstruction Sapiential Work A 4Q415–418 Hebrew Herodian [89]
4QParaphrase Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus Hebrew
4Q Barkhi Nafshia Barkhi Nafshi – Apocryphal Psalms 4Q434 Hebrew Herodian 15 fragments: likely hymns of thanksgiving praising God for his power and expressing thanks [352]
4Q Apocr. Psalm and Prayer Hymn to King Jonathan or The Prayer For King Jonathan Scroll 4Q448 Psalms 154 Hebrew Hasmonean In addition to parts of Psalms 154 it contains a prayer mentioning "King Jonathan". [89]
4QpapGen or papJub pap-Genesis or pap-Jubilees 4Q483 Genesis 1:28–29, or Book of Jubilees Hebrew Herodian [353]
4QShira-b Songs of the Sage
or Songs of the Maskil
4Q510–511 Hebrew Herodian [89]
4Q Messianic Apocalypse Messianic Apocalypse 4Q521 Hebrew Hasmonean Made up of two fragments [354]
4Q Jonathan 4Q523 Hebrew Hasmonean MeKleine Fragmente, z.T. gesetzlichen Inhalts; Fragment is legal in content. PAM number, 41.944 [355][356]
4QTempleScrollb Temple Scroll 4Q524 Hebrew Hasmonean [89][357]
4QBeatitudes 4Q525 Sirach 25:10;[358] Matthew 5:3 –12 (Beatitudes) Hebrew Herodian [89]
4Q TJoseph Testament of Joseph 4Q539 Aramaic Hasmonean [359]
4QapocrLevi(?)b Testament of Levid 4Q541 Aramaic Hasmonean Aramaic frag. also called "4QApocryphon of Levib ar" [360]
4QTKohath (4QTQahat) Testament of Qahat 4Q542 Aramaic Hasmonean [361]
4QNJc New Jerusalem 4Q555 Aramaic Herodian cf. 1Q32, 2Q24, 5Q15, 11Q18 [362]
4QGenn Genesis 4Q576 Genesis 34:7–10; 50:3 Hebrew Hasmonean [89]
Unnumbered Hebrew Nine unopened fragments recently rediscovered in storage [363]