The Dead Sea Scrolls, (a.k.a. Qumran Caves Scrolls), are ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves on the north-western shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BC to the 1st century AD, they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons. They also cast light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. Almost all of the scrolls and scroll fragments are housed in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
This table provides informational links on the documents found in Cave 2.
Fragment or scroll identifier | Fragment or scroll name | Alternative identifier | English Bible Association | Language | Date/script | Description | Reference |
2QGen | Genesis | 2Q1 | Genesis 19:27–28; 36:6, 35–37 | Hebrew | Herodian | [92][93] | |
2QExoda | Exodus | 2Q2 | Exodus 1:11–14; 7:1–4; 9:27–29; 11:3–7; 12:32–41; 21:18–20(?); 26:11–13; 30:21(?), 23–25; 32:32–34 | [92][94] | |||
2QExodb | 2Q3 | Exodus 4:31; 12:26–27(?); 18:21–22; 21:37–22:2, 15–19; 27:17–19; 31:16–17; 19:9; 34:10 | [92][95] | ||||
2QExodc | 2Q4 | Exodus 5:3–5 | Hellenistic-Roman | [92][96] | |||
2QpaleoLev | Leviticus | 2Q5 | Leviticus 11:22–29 | Hasmonean; Palaeo-Hebrew script | [92][97] | ||
2QNuma | Numbers | 2Q6 | Numbers 3:38–41, 51– 4:3 | Hebrew | Herodian | [92][98] | |
2QNumb | 2Q7 | Numbers 33:47–53 | [92][99] | ||||
2QNumc | 2Q8 | Numbers 7:88 | [92][100] | ||||
2QNumd? | 2Q9 | Numbers 18:8–9 | Hellenistic-Roman | This fragment may belong to 2Q7; possibly = Leviticus 23:1–3 | [92][101] | ||
2QDeuta | Deuteronomy | 2Q10 | Deuteronomy 1:7–9 | Hebrew | 50–25 BCE
Late Hasmonean or Early Herodian |
[92][46] | |
2QDeutb | 2Q11 | Deuteronomy 17:12–15 | Hebrew | 30 BCE – 68 CE
Herodian |
[92][46] | ||
2QDeutc | 2Q12 | Deuteronomy 10:8–12 | Hebrew | 1–68 CE
Late Herodian |
[92][46] | ||
2QJer | Jeremiah | 2Q13 | Jeremiah 42:7–11, 14; 43:8–11; 44:1–3, 12–14; 46:27–47:7; 48:7, 25–39, 43–45; 49:10 | Hebrew | Herodian | Doubtfully identified fragments: 13:22; 32:24–25; 48:2–4, 41–42 | [102][103] |
2QPs | Psalms | 2Q14 | Psalm 103:2–11; 104:6–11 | [102][104] | |||
2QJob | Job | 2Q15 | Job 33:28–30 | [102][105] | |||
2QRutha | Ruth | 2Q16 | Ruth 2:13–23; 3:1–8; 4:3–4 | Hebrew | Herodian | [102][106] | |
2QRuthb | 2Q17 | Ruth 3:13–18 | Hasmonean | [102][107] | |||
2QSir | "Wisdom of Sirach" or "Ecclesiasticus" | 2Q18 | Sir 6:14–15 (or 1:19–20); 6:20–31 | Hebrew | Herodian | Ben Sira | [102][108] |
2QJuba | Book of Jubilees | 2Q19 | Genesis 25:7–9 | Hebrew | Herodian | Jub 23:7–8 | [102][109] |
2QJubb | Book of Jubilees | 2Q20 | Exodus 1:7; Genesis 50:26, 22 (different order) | Jub 46:1–3 | [110] | ||
2QapMoses /2QapocrMoses(?) | "Apocryphon of Moses" | 2Q21 | Hebrew | Herodian | Apocryphal writing about Moses | [102][111] | |
2QapDavid /2QapocrDavid | "Apocryphon of David" | 2Q22 | Hebrew | Herodian | Apocryphal writing about David | [112][113] | |
2QapProph /2Qapocr.Prophecy | "Apocryphal Prophecy" | 2Q23 | Hebrew | Herodian | Apocryphal prophetic text in six tiny fragments. | [114][115] | |
2QNJ | "New Jerusalem" | 2Q24 | Aramaic | Herodian | Description of the New Jerusalem. cf. 1Q32 ar, 11Q18 ar | [114][116] | |
2Q Juridical Text | "Juridical Text" | 2Q25 | Hebrew | Herodian | A juridical text | [114][117] | |
2QEnGiants | "Book of Giants" from "Enoch" | 2Q26 | Aramaic | Herodian | Now known as part of the "Book of Giants". cf. 6Q8 | [118] | |
2Q28 2Q29 2Q30 2Q31 2Q32 2Q33 |
2Q28 2Q29 2Q30 2Q31 2Q32 2Q33 |
Unidentified Texts | [89][114] | ||||
2QX1 | 2QX1 | Debris in a box | [114] |