Historical Background Of Micah

Micah’s ministry spanned the rule of three kings of Judah (1:1). Compare with the historical background of Isaiah and his prophecies. He began prophesying before the destruction of Samaria
in 722 BC (1:5-7) and continued into the reign of Hezekiah. Unlike Isaiah who was a city prophet, Micah was a prophet of the country. He was a prophet to the common people. He championed the cause of the poor and cried out against social and moral injustices. Their actual messages are so similar though, that Micah has been called “Isaiah in shorthand.”

Micah was the last of the cluster of writing prophets sent to announce the doom of Israel, and of Judah if she didn’t repent. Amos and Hosea were prophets of Israel sent directly with a message to Israel. Isaiah and Micah were prophets of Judah who announced the imminent destruction of Israel and the threat coming from the ungodliness that
had spread to Judah (1:3-9). Micah denounced the same things in Judah that Amos and Hosea had condemned in Israel. The wealthy were corrupt and robbed the poor (2:1-2; 6:11). Religious leaders were corrupt. Rulers and judges were corrupt. The people were idolatrous (6:16).

Message Of Micah

Summarized in the statement “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).