2 Corinthians -A

Select an answer for each question and then click "Submit Answers" below.

1. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is what?


Clue: 2 Corinthians 3:17 

2. Accordi ng to Paul, the things that are not seen are what?

 A mystery
 Not to be looked upon

Clue: 2 Corinthians 4:18 

3. Where must we all make an appearance?

 At the gate of Heaven with St. Peter
 In a confessional
 Before the judgment seat of Christ
 Before the Heavenly Tribunal

Clue: 2 Corinthians 5:10 

4. In 2 Corinthians how does Paul describe his bodily presence?


Clue: 2 Corinthians 10:10 

5. Paul wrote 2 Corinthians instead of visiting Corinth because he...

 Did not have time
 Did not have passage
 Did not want to be arrested
 Did not wish to be heavy-handed

Clue: 2 Corinthians 2 

6. With whom are Christians not to be unequally yoked?


Clue: 2 Corinthians 6:14 

7. What sort of giver does God love?

 A cheerful giver
 A hopeful giver
 A committed giver
 A proud giver

Clue: 2 Corinthians 9:7 

8. How many times did Paul ask God to remove his 'thorn in the flesh?'

 7 times
 3 times
 70 times
 5 times

Clue: 2 Corinthians 12:8 

9. What should God's people be like?

 Be perfect
 Be of one mind
 Live in peace
 All of these

Clue: 2 Corinthians 13:11 

10. When is the day of salvation?

 After you die
 Just before you die

Clue: 2 Corinthians 6:2