Romans -A

Select an answer for each question and then click "Submit Answers" below.

1. In Romans, what two things are mentioned in opposition?

 Good and evil
 Wisdom and foolishness
 Sin and grace
 Light and darkness

Clue: Romans 5:20 

2. According to Romans 2:4, what does God's goodness lead us too?


Clue: Romans 2:4 

3. Which two old testament prophets does Paul quote in Romans chapter 9?

 Amos and Micah
 Nathan and Joel
 Daniel and Jonah
 Hosea and Isaiah

Clue: Romans Chapter 9 

4. Paul lists three things as being part the kingdom of God. Which one is not part of that list?


Clue: Romans 14:17 

5. By whose hand did Paul write the book of Romans?


Clue: Romans 16:22 

6. What tribe of Israel did the Apostle Paul belong to?


Clue: Romans 11:1 

7. According to Paul, what are the wages of sin?


Clue: Romans 6:23 

8. According to Paul, what act now fulfills God's Law ?

 Not committing adultery
 Praying earnestly
 Abstaining from killing

Clue: Romans 13:8 

9. Paul made a reference to scripture about a stumbling block for the Jews. What was this stumbling block?

 God's law

Clue: Romans 9:33 

10. When Paul refers to righteous persons dying with Christ what does he mean ?

 Death unto our own desires
 Death unto our sins
 Physical death
 Spiritual death

Clue: Romans 6:6