John -A

Select an answer for each question and then click "Submit Answers" below.

1. Jesus prays that the Father protect his disciples from what?

 The evil one

Clue: John 17:15 

2. How long had Lazarus been in his tomb by the time Jesus reached Bethany?

 1 week
 Three days
 Four days
 Two days

Clue: John 11:17 

3. Where did Jesus tell the blind man to go wash the mud from his eyes?

 Pool of Siloam
 Sea of Galilee
 Lake of Tiberius
 Dead Sea

Clue: John 9:7 

4. When Mary first saw Jesus outside his tomb on the first day of the week, who did she think He was?

 The Gardner
 One of the soldiers
 An angel

Clue: John 20:15 

5. After Jesus blessed the disciples' efforts, how many fish was Simon Peter able to catch?


Clue: John 21:11 

6. Jesus of Nazareth

 Criminal, King of the Jews
 Jesus of Nazareth
 Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews
 Jesus of Nazareth, Supposed King of the Jews

Clue: John 19:19 

7. Shortly before his death, Jesus told his disciples he no longer considered them as servants, but as what?


Clue: John 15:15 

8. Jesus said there are many of what in his Father's house?


Clue: John 14:2 

9. For what reason did the Jews try to stone Jesus at the Feast of Dedication?

 Resisting arrest
 Performing miracles on the Sabbath
 False prophesy

Clue: John 10:33 

10. What did the crowd at the Feast of Tabernacles say was wrong with Jesus?

 He was sick
 He was a false prophet
 He was drunk
 He was demon-possessed

Clue: John 7:20