Matthew -A

Select an answer for each question and then click "Submit Answers" below.

1. What was more glorious than even Solomon dressed in his splendor, according to Jesus?


Clue: Matthew Chapter 6 

2. What was the surname of the apostle Labbaeus?


Clue: Matthew 10:3 

3. Where was the woman from that asked Jesus to heal her demon possessed daughter?


Clue: Matthew 15:22 

4. Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, unto the palace of the high priest, who was called what?


Clue: Matthew 26:3 

5. Where in the Bible can you find what is commonly called the 'Beatitudes'?


Clue: Matthew 5 

6. As part of his miracle, Jesus fed the multitude with what type of food?

 A fatted calf
 loaves and fishes

Clue: Matthew 14:19 

7. What should you not put under a bushel?

 a fish
 a candle
 a cross

Clue: Matthew 5:15 

8. How many apostles did Jesus have?


Clue: Matthew 10:2 

9. What does Jesus' name, Immanuel, mean?

 God is gracious
 God with us

Clue: Matthew 1:23 

10. When Jesus walked on water, what did his disciples mistake him for?

 A tree
 A demon
 A ghost
 A prophet

Clue: Matthew 14:22