Philippians -A

Select an answer for each question and then click "Submit Answers" below.

1. Who wrote the book of Philippians?

 Paul and Timothy
 Paul and Silas
 Paul and Luke

Clue: Philippians 1:1 

2. What is Paul's prayer on behalf of the Philippians?

 That their love may abound more and more
 That they may speak the Word in boldness
 That they may prosper and be in good he
 That their faith may stand strong in the face of persecution

Clue: Philippians 1:9 

3. Why did God highly exalt Jesus?

 Because He is the only begotten Son of Go
 Because He destroyed the works of the devil
 Because He perfectly fulfilled God's law
 Because He humbled Himself to death on the cross

Clue: Philippians Chapter 2 

4. What will every knee bow at?

 The presence of God
 The name of Jesus
 God's voice
 The army of God's angels

Clue: Philippians 2:10 

5. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by _______ and ___________ with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

 Faith and prayer
 Worship and fasting
 Prayer and supplication
 Prayer and fasting

Clue: Philippians 4:6 

6. What perfects our salvation?

 God's will
 Doing pennance

Clue: Philippians 1:6 

7. What are two good ways not to be anxious and worried about what is happening in your life?

 Distract yourself and don't think about it
 By remembering the good times and thinking about them
 By trusting and be thankful for those around you
 By prayer and petition

Clue: Philippians 4:6 

8. According to Paul live is Christ, and to _______ is gain.

 Press on

Clue: Philippians 1:21 

9. When our bodies are changed, what will they look like?

 Like an angel's
 Like the glorious body of Jesus
 Like a child's
 No one knows

Clue: Philippians 3:21 

10. What does Paul consider his status and accomplishments prior to knowing Christ?

 Worthy of boasting
 A strong foundation
 Something to be esteemed

Clue: Philippians 3:8