Time in the Bible

Jewish days were reckoned from sunset to sunset. The night time hours were divided into three "watches" of four hours each and the daylight hours were reckoned by twelve "hours". The Romans had a natural day of 12 day-hours and 12 night-hours. The first daylight hour (hora prima) began at sunrise, noon was the sixth hour (hora sexta), and the last hour (hora duodecima) ended at sunset. However the Romans also had a civil day which started at midnight. The day was divided into two parts: the ante meridiem and the post meridiem, before noon and afternoon, respectively.This is the system of am and pm which we still use now. Their night time hours were divided into four watches of three hours each.

Jewish Hour Roman Natural Roman Civil 24-Hour
Sunrise Sunrise 6th hour AM 06:00
First hour First hour 7th hour AM 07:00
Second hour Second hour 8th hour AM 08:00
Third hour Third hour 9th hour AM 09:00
Fourth hour Fourth hour 10th hour AM 10:00
Fifth hour Fifth hour 11th hour AM 11:00
Sixth hour Sixth hour 12th hour 12:00
Seventh hour Seventh hour 1st hour PM 13:00
Eighth hour Eighth hour 2nd hour PM 14:00
Ninth hour Ninth hour 3rd hour PM 15:00
Tenth hour Tenth hour 4th hour PM 16:00
Eleventh hour Eleventh hour 5th hour PM 17:00
Twelth hour Twelth hour 6th hour PM 18:00
First watch (18:00-22:00) First watch (18:00-21:00)    
Second watch (22:00-2:00) Second watch (21:00-24:00)    
Third watch (2:00-6:00) Third watch (24:00-3:00)    
  Fourth watch (3:00-6:00)