4004 BC | 1st Century |
3904 BC | 2nd Century |
3804 BC | 3rd Century |
3704 BC | 4th Century |
3604 BC | 5th Century |
3504 BC | 6th Century |
3404 BC | 7th Century |
3304 BC | 8th Century |
3204 BC | 9th Century |
3104 BC | 10th Century |
3004 BC | 11th Century |
2904 BC | 12th Century |
2804 BC | 13th Century |
2704 BC | 14th Century |
2604 BC | 15th Century |
2504 BC | 16th Century |
2404 BC | 17th Century |
2304 BC | 18th Century |
2204 BC | 19th Century |
2104 BC | 20th Century |
2004 BC | 21st Century |
1904 BC | 22nd Century |
1804 BC | 23rd Century |
1704 BC | 24th Century |
1604 BC | 25th Century |
1504 BC | 26th Century |
1404 BC | 27th Century |
1304 BC | 28th Century |
1204 BC | 29th Century |
1104 BC | 30th Century |
1004 BC | 31st Century |
904 BC | 32nd Century |
804 BC | 33rd Century |
704 BC | 34th Century |
604 BC | 35th Century |
504 BC | 36th Century |
404 BC | 37th Century |
304 BC | 38th Century |
204 BC | 39th Century |
104 BC | 40th Century |
4 BC | 1st Century |
AD 100 | 2nd Century |
AD 200 | 3rd Century |
AD 300 | 4th Century |
AD 400 |
The dating here helps us to compare the lifespans of various biblical figures, but does not provide an exact historical chonology.
Each century is divided by a strong perpendicular line, and the length of the horizontal lines repesents either the duration of a life, the length of a reign or the time the person was prominent.
Click on most names to see biblical references or more info from Wikipedia.
God's covenant with Abraham, and sojournment in Egypt of Abraham and his posterity 430 years
High Priests:
Kingdom Era
Kings of Israel:
Priests and Princes of Jerusalem:
Darius Hys.